District 5 School Board Candidates Forum

School Board Candidate Forum for District 5 of Seattle Public Schools

Monday, July 20 from 7 – 8:30pm
Garfield Community Center
(2323 E Cherry St, corner of 23rd)

For full details, see: http://www.cppsofseattle.org/News/dist5forum.html

The four candidates are:

Mary Bass mbass@seanet.com
Joanna Cullen http://www.VoteForJoanna.com
Andre Helmstetter http://AndreForSchools.org
Kay Smith-Blum http://www.ElectKSB.org

Don't forget: Primary is August 18th.


MathTeacher42 said…
when is there a forum with charlie mas, in particular AFTER wed. 29 july?

Charlie Mas said…
Yeah! I think I'd like to learn about some candidate forums for District 7 candidates as well.

I think there is one on Wednesday the 22nd at 6:00 at Aki Kurose, but I'm starting to doubt it because no one seems to know about it.
joanna said…
2 more forums for District 5 candidates: They will also participate in a 43rd District Democrats' forum on July 21s, at University Heights Community Center and another at Mount Zion,6:00 PM on July 27.

Someone called from the organizing group to confirm addresses. I inquired about a forum for District #7 and she related that they are willing to help organize one for District #7 if they hear that there is a demand.
owlhouse said…
We had a good turn out here in the 5th Dist. last night. You can read a bit of the conversation at Central District News.

While there's never time to cover all the relevant questions, a teacher friend pointed out what for her is the biggest issue and wasn't discussed- curriculum alignment.

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