Eckstein and Garfield Awarded Qwest Grants

From SPS Communications:

The Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction announced today that teachers at Eckstein Middle School and Garfield High School have been awarded $10,000 Qwest Foundation Teachers and Technology grants for learning projects that integrate digital technologies into their classrooms.

The two grant awards are among nine given statewide by the Quest Foundation to help teachers create 21st century learning environments that use real-world technologies to solve real-world problems.

At Eckstein Middle School, teacher Eric Miller’s sixth-grade class will use the grant to integrate social justice, the environment and public health into the learning goals outlined for their Heroes of Africa project. Miller’s students will come to understand Africa today through research, data gathering, interviews, reflection and collaboration. Following an in-depth analysis, they will design multimedia products that interpret and communicate what they’ve learned about the continent, and what they think will help to solve its societal, industrial and environmental problems.

Because Miller’s classroom includes both regular and special education students, he plans to organize students into teams that include those who are academically strong as well as students who are struggling with reading disabilities and those who are hearing impaired.

At Garfield High School, the teaching team of Corey Louviere and Janet Woodward won a grant for a photo exhibit project designed to engage their two classes in an exploration of the history and culture of Seattle’s Central Area. Garfield High School, built in 1922, is one of many historical landmarks in the community that they plan to research.

Since 2007, Qwest Foundation support has made it possible to award grants to 60 Washington state educators (individual teachers and teacher teams) who use digital technologies to improve their instructional practice, and engage and motivate their young learners. Informally, Qwest Foundation awardees participate in a professional learning community through which they network, share expertise and inspire each other’s creative development as teachers.
The winning projects were evaluated and selected by representatives from OSPI, the Governor’s Office, Qwest Foundation, Microsoft and several Washington educators.
For more information about the Qwest Teachers & Technology grant program, contact Julia Fallon, 360-725-6246(, or Nathan Olson, 360-725-6015. (


Chris S. said…
Woo hoo Mr Miller!

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