Interested in Tech in Seattle Schools?

The Technology Department is having a "Teaching and Learning Technology Vision Summit."  From the SPS webpage:

This summit will bring together representatives from SPS leadership, faculty, community partners, students, City of Seattle, business, members of the SPS Technology Vision Taskforce and others to help create a vision for Teaching & Learning at SPS, and how technology will enable that vision.

A technology understanding is important...but representatives should also have a passion for creating an educational environment for SPS students to flourish in, be able to share the views and visions of the organization they represent, and provide a vision on how technology will enable that environment. All discussions and activities will focus on a vision for our students...not on specific technology products or services. 

That comes later!

The summit will be facilitated by Mr. Jim Lengel (see bio) and will focus on "A day in the life of a 21st Century SPS student" - What the student is doing from when he/she rises in the morning to when he/she goes to bed at night.

Your participation will help create the vision for a world class K-12 environment in Seattle where every SPS student can flourish and achieve their dreams.

Interested? Click here to register
Nothing on student data privacy but we'll see.


Benjamin Leis said…
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Benjamin Leis said…
I'm in a more cynical mood lately but even so am I the only one who hears cash registering ringing in the background when they look at the official SPS page for this event and the list of vendors who will be attending?
Anonymous said…
" create a vision for Teaching & Learning at SPS, and how technology will enable that vision."

So does our Teaching and Learning currently lack a vision? Sounds like an indictment of Michael Tolley, to me.

This is a tech-focused meeting with lots of tech companies planning to attend, but if it's really going to focus on what 21st century students need in general, this is actually a much broader issue. I'd hate to see only those interested in tech showing up...

Half Full
Anonymous said…
"So does our Teaching and Learning currently lack a vision?" Yes, absolutely due to the neglect of technology investments and initiatives over the last several years/decade. I think this event, however, is more a positive result of having a new CIO than a Tolley project (too creative and input-seeking for him anyhow).

I realize that yes, there will eventually be some cash registers ringing, but tech investments in SPS have been way behind. In terms of in-school-support SPS has cut about a dozen staff over the last decade as well. Sure beats 4 more senior staffers who will do nothing to support tech in the schools more than actual equipment/software in the schools.

In a high tech area like ours it's about time somebody at SPS starting looking at more $$ for tech in the schools and supporting other technology initiatives.

Seattle Techie
Anonymous said…
I could see typing as valuable in elementary education, as well as data privacy and online asfety education. Digital presentations and research in middle and high school.


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