Development Group Pays Massive Sisley Fines ($3.5M)

Update: got it wrong from initial news accounts.  The development group - RDG - are the ones who paid the fines for the Sisleys in order to move on with developing the area.  The City had apparently put so many liens on Sisley properties that RDG knew they were unlikely to move on with their development plans.

It's unclear what the City will do with the money.

End of update.


I note that the City Attorney's office told me that the buildings in front of Roosevelt High will be coming down by the "end of the month."

1) I see nothing happening on this front so it may be the world's fastest teardown if they are keeping true to their statement.
2) The permitting I have seen  is only for the buildings that face NE 65th, not the buildings that face RHS on NE 66th. 


Patrick said…
This month or next month, just be glad to get them removed this year.
Anonymous said…
It wasn't Sisley that paid the was the developer of his properties, Roosevelt Development Group. A 65 ft., 225 unit development will be going in at 65th and 15th.

From another thread:

Anonymous said…
Another article from the Biz Journal. Including a <a href="</a> of the planned development.


Anonymous said…
With a link that works...

Anonymous said…
I wish they could leave the property across from Roosevelt High School as open space. It is a shame to block that beautiful building. Plus, it would be nice to have more open space in that area that the high school could use. Maybe add some tennis courts, etc.


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