Legislature Needs to Act Fast

Email your legislators right now by clicking here and ask them to fully fund public schools so they don’t lay off teachers this spring.

Dear friend,

Please email your legislators right now and ask them to fully fund public schools so they don’t lay off teachers this spring.

Across the state, already-underfunded school districts are being told to prepare for a new round of budget cuts. You may have received letters or emails warning about the possibility of teacher layoffs or program closures.

Let's be clear: this is unacceptable. And it's unconstitutional.
Districts across the state face $500 million in cuts if the legislature does not fully fund our public schools by April. Those cuts must not happen. If they do, our schools will be hurt and our state will become even more inequitable. We can stop this and make sure every child gets a great public education — but we need to act fast.

Did you know the Governor and legislators hear very little about public education? It's true! It's really important to build up some heat on folks to get them motivated to effectively address Washington's school funding crisis.

Will you take a moment and tell Governor Inslee and your legislators to immediately and fully fund our public schools with new revenue — and stop these cuts?

Call the governor at (360) 902-4111 or email him here.

Find your legislator here or their contact information here.


alex said…
I live in the 34th. My legislators are on board. what can we do to reach out & influence those legislators that are outside of Seattle?
Brian Duncan said…
Sent to 36th LD Sen and Reps, and the Gov:

Sen Carlyle, I have your back keeping pressure on Rs to increase state funding to public schools. Kick Sen Bumgartner's proposed Amendments to the curb as anti-student, anti civil rights, anti-public education, and ultimately anti-human rights and anti-democracy itself. Wrong headed and sadly misguided at best.

Best to delay levy cliff as an interim step, but coupled to enhanced state revenue package. Maybe take a lesson, though, from Bumgartner, in his boldness of vision, though it be so wrong. He is trying to move the so called Overton window to the right. We could do the same by proposing a progressive income tax, getting the ball rolling with Supreme Court establishing that it would be constitutional, so that one day we'll get there. Who among the Dems will have the chutzpah to champion this, even while simultaneously moving forward with incremental steps like closing unproductive tax preferences, captital gainst tax, carbon tax, lifting levy lids, etc?

Brian Duncan

For legislators outside your district, you can mention that you support them financially and with volunteer hours during their campaigns to the extent that they support public schools. Or, inform them you will work against their re-election if they don't. If many people did this, it would surely make a difference.

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