Mumps Expanding Across Region;One Case at Nova

From Q13:
New numbers show the mumps outbreak in King County has now spread to 108 cases, including one new case in a Seattle public school.

The Public Health Department of Seattle & King County has confirmed a student who attends Nova High School has been diagnosed with mumps.

Health officials say 35 mumps cases are confirmed in King County and 73 cases are probable.
How is mumps spread?
A person with mumps can spread the virus by coughing, sneezing, or talking. It can also be spread by sharing cups or eating utensils, and by touching objects or surfaces with unwashed hands that are then touched by others.
Who is at risk of getting mumps?
  • Infants who are too young to receive mumps vaccine
  • Children over one year of age who have not received at least one dose of MMR
  • Adults born after 1957 who have not been vaccinated or have not previously had mumps disease
Also, a story from KUOW.


Anonymous said…
Can't wait for the Waldorf School to shut down, their vacc. rates are in the low 30s

Anonymous said…
Criminy, comments have gotten worse here over the last few months. Way to keep it classy, moms and dads.
Anonymous said…
70% of the people getting the Mumps in the Seattle Area had the vaccine. The vaccine doesn't always work and in this case, it doesn't look like it works very often.

Had the Mumps as a kid. It wasn't a big deal and now I am immune.

Anonymous said…
Dissolvingillusions dot com has graphs based on historical death records which show vaccines did nothing to reduce deaths from infectious diseases. It was a hundred other things which improved public health. Then do one on Robert Cathcart, MD and his practice curing any infectious disease using massive, timed, around-the-clock, bowel-tolerance, IV doses of vitamin C. He said that in 98% of people this could be done and the worst possible side effect was diarrhea if bowel-tolerance was exceeded.

Mumps is now resistant to the vaccine. Don't waste your money getting vaccinated for Mumps.

>>> wins
Lynn said…
HP - yes many people survive the mumps. It can cause serious lasting problems though which is why the state encourages vaccination.

I hope the district bans unimmunized students from schools where a verified case occurs to prevent further spread of the disease.
ML said…
Signs and symptoms of the mumps:
Mumps is best known for the puffy cheeks and swollen jaw that it causes. This is a result of swollen salivary glands. The most common symptoms include:
•Muscle aches
•Loss of appetite
•Swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears on one or both sides (parotitis)
Symptoms typically appear 16-18 days after infection, but this period can range from 12-25 days after infection.

Some people who get mumps have very mild or no symptoms, and often they do not know they have the disease.

Most people with mumps recover completely in a few weeks.

Mumps can occasionally cause complications, especially in adults. Complications include:
•inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) in males who have reached puberty; rarely does this lead to fertility problems
•inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
•inflammation of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
•inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) and/or breast tissue (mastitis)

About the vaccine (from the CDC):
MMR vaccine is very safe and effective. The mumps component of the MMR vaccine is about 88% (range: 66-95%) effective when a person gets two doses; one dose is about 78% (range: 49%−92%) effective.
Anonymous said…
Public Health's health officer explains why mumps still occurs in a highly vaccinated population. MMR vaccine effectiveness is about 88% (for those who received 2 doses) so even if you've got 105 kids in a school - 100 vaccinated and 5 unvaccinated - and one kid introduces mumps, chances are 16 of those immunized kids will get mumps and the 5 unvaccinated most certainly will. The fact that about 70% of the known cases were vaccinated doesn't mean the MMR vaccine is ineffective. It means this outbreak would be MUCH worse if most of us were NOT immunized.

- Epidemiologist
Anonymous said…
My apologies - 12 immunized kids would still get mumps. Yay for math!

Anonymous said…
Pro Mumps vaccine articles are on the FAKE NEWS list. I didn't know before this that the vaccine is now considered ineffective. Now I do. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said…
NOT Fake News=>

The following is from the Center for Disease Control:

Children may also get MMRV vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chickenpox). This vaccine is only licensed for use in children who are 12 months through 12 years of age.

Before the U.S. mumps vaccination program started in 1967, mumps was a universal disease of childhood. Since the pre-vaccine era, there has been a more than 99% decrease in mumps cases in the United States. Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities,particularly in close-contact settings such as schools, colleges, and camps. However, high vaccination coverage helps to limit the size, duration, and spread of mumps outbreaks.

-- Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…
Molly, you'd benefit from reading Melissa's post on how to spot fake news. Hint: the CDC is a government agency staffed by highly qualified (and credible) scientists and health experts. It doesn't qualify as a "fake" news source. Take your anti-vax paranoia elsewhere.

- Epidemiologist
Anonymous said…
"Most people with mumps recover completely in a few weeks."

This should read, 99,999 people out of 100,000 recover completely in a few weeks.

There are much more serious diseases than Mumps to be concerned about. I agree that the Mumps story is FAKE NEWS, because it is only partially true and loaded with one in a million scare tactics which is typical of struggling news rooms these days. I think these types of reports are considered "click bait" used to generate ad revenues.

One fact people should understand is vaccinations do not prevent you from becoming a host, they just prevent many people from being over taken by the disease. Like with the cold virus, some people catch it and others don't even though all where exposed.

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
You're wrong, ABC.

Mumps complications:
Orchitis12%-66% in postpubertal males (prevaccine) and 3%-10% (postvaccine)
Pancreatitis: 3.5% (prevaccine)
Unilateral Deafness: 1/20,000 (prevaccine)
Death: 2/10,000 from 1966-1971 and no deaths in recent U.S. outbreaks

- Epidemiologist
Anonymous said…
CDC = Big Pharmacy, don't believe the hype. Mumps are not an issue.


Ms206 said…
Great points, Lynn!
Well, if you don't want to listen to the one governmental entity charged with protecting public health, I don't who you would.
BigPharma Employee said…
CDC ≠ Big Pharmacy
If anyone is owned by Big Pharma in the U.S., it's the FDA. Although they're at least as sold out to the food corporations and farmers. The CDC is on the up and up.
Stevens parent said…
Children that do not have immunizations should be removed from schools where an infectious disease exists and not allowed to return until they are immunized.
Anonymous said…
"Children that do not have immunizations should be removed from schools where an infectious disease exists and not allowed to return until they are immunized. "

I'm not going to call names, I'm not going to call names.

--Anti Stupid
Anonymous said…
That is pretty close to Auburn's treatment of the mumps outbreak - non immunized students need to stay home for 25 days, or may return sooner if they have proof of receiving the MMR vaccine (from Seattle Times).

a reader

Stevens parent said…
Are you speaking about yourself?
Anonymous said…
"That is pretty close to Auburn's treatment of the mumps outbreak - non immunized students need to stay home for 25 days, or may return sooner if they have proof of receiving the MMR vaccine (from Seattle Times). "

There's scientific evidence that the current immunization shot for mumps now is highly ineffective and the measles vaccine is not far behind. Getting the MMR shot after exposure to the mumps is useless and stupid in preventing the mumps. It seems to me if the school district requires the shot then the district should pay for the shot. The chicken pox is the only vaccine I would recommend in the MMR, not sure if you can get them individually anymore. Pox can be really painful and nasty.

I remember a few decades ago receiving a free set of MMR shots in school. The funny thing was, I had already had all three diseases a couple years earlier, but so much for checking for anti-bodies and all that scientific stuff, just keep shooting up the kids.

Two of my friends still contracted the measles after receiving the MMR shot and a few other kids got really sick the same week as receiving the MMR shot.

There were also a handful of students who were injured by the Pneumatic powered vaccine guns, these injuries were small to large cuts in their upper arms from flinching just as the nurse pulled the trigger.

Anyway the bottom line is this, with or without a MMR vaccine there's no change in the odds you will contract the mumps and if you come in contact with disease in a school you can and will spread to others outside of the school, so if you know of someone who has the mumps, avoiding them is the only real way to prevent you from contracting the disease and spreading it to others who possibly will become sick, MMR or no MMR shots.

Of coarse all of these words are my opinion and should not be used as a recommendation. See your own AMA certified representative before making a decision.

Peace out
Anonymous said…

"Anyway the bottom line is this, with or without a MMR vaccine there's no change in the odds you will contract the mumps"

No change?!

The CDC says this:

"Mumps can be prevented with MMR vaccine."

As far as being "bought", ya, it's the FDA. All of a sudden cholesterol in eggs is OK.

Tell that to this guy,

from near death to pretty decent health by eliminating cholesterol and other fats.

Anonymous said…
Peace out, there's a whole lot of inaccurate and incorrect information in your post. MMR stands for Measles Mumps and Rubella. MMR is a very effective vaccine and, no, it is not available as separate single antigen vaccines. The chickenpox - 'varicella' - vaccine is an entirely different vaccine. In Washington, childhood vaccines are free. Clinics can charge a vaccine administration fee of $23.44 but it must be reduced or waived if a family cannot afford to pay it. As you say, you're not a clinician nor a public health professional. Also, to state the obvious, personal stories are not scientific facts.

- Epidemiologist

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