Seattle Schools Looking for Input on Website

From SPS Communications:

Welcome to this Seattle Public Schools district website navigation study. We are currently evaluating our current navigation structure for a project that will make district resources easier to find.

This test addresses navigation for families and students. We will soon launch a study specifically for SPS staff. Please be on the look out for more information sent to your district email address.
The activity shouldn't take longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time!


Anonymous said…

Make navigation easier on SPS website? How about stop fiddling with it because every time you do you break massive amounts of links! Almost as if you do
such "redesigns" on purpose, SPS, so that we can't point out your broken promises (ie full guarantee of grandfathering for all Whitman students), or track the ridiculous mushrooming of FTE at the JSCEE because the old org charts have disappeared in the Orwellian 1984 memory burn hole.

Broken Links
So they are asking staff to validate navigation meant for families and students?. So spending $ whilst not talking to the target audience?.
not mc-t said…
i am with broken links. this is the second redo in two years. i totally think they are doing it to hide info. do a search the link can't be found. try to navigate same link it's non-navigable. i am at a loss. i am sure it has more to do than redo the same info.

no caps

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