SEA Will Not Be on Strike on May 1st

From the SEA Facebook page:

Unofficial returns indicate that SEA members will not be striking on May 1st. A record turnout for the vote indicates that SEA members are still very disappointed with the state legislatures inaction on education funding the timing of the strike appear to be problematic but future action remains very much under consideration by our members. (sic)


Watching said…
Thanks to the teachers that voted NO.

The right leaning Washington Policy Center was watching the proposed teachers strike with interest. I feel confident that a strike launched by Seattle's teachers would have resulted in backlash and potential harm to Seattle.
Watching said…
I would like to know: What was the vote count?
Watching, the Times said it was happening over the weekend but the no vote must have been pretty overwhelming if the SEA disclosed the outcome before the final count was done.
Anonymous said…
Thank you to the teachers voting NO.

Protest! Protest! said…
From the comment section of the Seattle Times article:

"Since the Times didn't bother to tell you and SEA can't really talk about it, I will simply tell you that this was the work of a group that calls themselves the "Equity and Social Justice" group, at least that was the group that tried to stuff the mailboxes of my building with a flyer in support of the the strike.  What, exactly, this action would have about equity or social justice I'm not sure.

This group is very vocal minority that always seems come up with a reason for us to strike.  In fact it sometimes seems like they get kind of excited about the idea.  The original motion contained things like  "corporate greed" and "union solidarity", with "fully funding education" as just one of the reasons." 

If they'd had their way, there wouldn't have been a district-wide vote, it would have been decided  by few representatives.  Thankfully, those in charge were able to make sure that all of us had a voice and we, very loudly, said NO

Thankfully, the majority of teachers felt Seattle's teachers should not be alone.
Anonymous said…
What would happen if all the teachers were engaged in solving the opportunity gap issue, instead of a small loud equity group claiming to be experts in what's best for everyone in a very large district with students and families with very diverse needs and interests?

Fix AL
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dan dempsey said…
Fix AL,

I am right in there with you on the "Opportunity Gap" front. The small loud minority fails to address the problems related to actual instruction.

See the data here on Gaps.

Since the district has little idea about how to deliver effective efficient instruction, evaluations are based on conformity. Following folks like Arne Duncan has been extremely important to administrators because administration has become a club sport. The district runs in a top-down dictatorial fashion because uniformity is important to teacher evaluations.

There were several very effective teachers but some have left teaching in Seattle as it was just too big a battle against an administration that was completely opposed to teacher autonomy and doing what works. Results are not important, conformity is.

Everyday Math was a gap enlarger. Looking at the Middle School Math questionnaire designed by Ms. Box, more nonsense programs may be on the way.

There is an entire administrative superstructure pushing programs based on ideology. This explains why so little progress is made in closing Opportunity Gaps. ... More Math Nonsense masquerading as thoughtful research. .... Good luck kids on becoming a STEM professional.

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