Superintendent's Latest Pep Talk/Boo Hoo on the Budget

On Friday, Superintendent Nyland posted a letter about the budget for the next school year (partial):

Legislative action restored $24 million to our 2017-18 budget. Thanks to the work of central office and the School Board, 88 percent of the restored $24 million went back to support classrooms and academics, including over 200 positions.
Restoration of the $24 million still left a shortfall of $50 million. We prioritized classrooms, restoring all but about 50 positions, which is a 1.5 percent reduction. Central administration was reduced by the greatest percentage amount at 4.7 percent.
The Friday before spring break, central office departments were informed of the specific reductions. These cuts required a combination of closing vacant positions and reducing positions. We have now addressed the $74 million shortfall.

Central teams are still working through the realignment process in order to sustain critical functions, and related department reorganizations will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
Okay, but he left out one huge component to this notice - a link to the budget for all to read.  He says that everyone has been notified so why can't we see what was cut where?  I'd bet the cuts at central are not high level but probably around maintenance or kitchen staff but how are we to know if there's no transparency?

I see there is a Work Session on the budget on Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 pm so perhaps all will be revealed then.


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