Seattle Schools, Week of December 3-9, 2018

Update: I had closed the comments on the post about the Strategic Plan but reopened it upon request. 

Tuesday, December 4th
Quarterly Audit&Finance Committee meeting at JSCEE from 4:30-6:30.  Agenda

Continuing the audits for the year, there will be reports on Special Education and on Thornton Creek Elementary by the Internal Auditor.  There is a notation for the Special Education audit that I do not recognize - "write-back process" - does anyone know what that means?

There will also be audit responses from various JSCEE departments. 

 Wednesday, December 5th
Regularly scheduled Board meeting at JSCEE, starting at 4:15 pm.  Agenda

This looks to be an extremely short meeting as the agenda has only one notable item; the election of Board officers.  Will Director Harris hold her post as president?  I think the Board is strong and able one and so it's possible the directors may switch it up.  I personally think Harris is doing a great job (public disclosure; she and I are friends).

Thursday, December 6th
Science Instructional Materials Adoption Committee meeting at JSCEE from 5-8 pm.

Operations Committee meeting at JSCEE from 4:30-6:30 pm.  No agenda yet available.

Special Education Resource Fair at Roosevelt High School from 6:30-8 pm. 
Join us for a gathering of representatives from numerous Seattle Public Schools departments. Use this time to ask questions, collect information, and learn face-to-face from the people who help coordinate services to support your student.

Special Education directors and other staff will be onsite during this open-house style event as well, so bring your questions! Childcare will be provided.
Friday, December 7th
Student Advisory Board Council at JSCEE from 5-7 pm.  A meeting for teenagers on a Friday night?

Saturday, December 8th
Student Advisory Board Council meeting at JSCEE from 10 am to 4 pm.  One meeting the night before followed by an all-day meeting? Hmmm.

Community meeting with Director Rick Burke at the Greenwood Library from 10-11:30 pm.

Community meeting with Director Eden Mack at the Queen Anne Library from 11-1 pm.

One vital update from SPS:
Starting in December 2018, families in Seattle Public Schools can access student health information online using the family portal in the district's CareDox system. 

In use at the district since 2017, CareDox is a secure, comprehensive digital health platform school nurses use to document student care, keep students safe, and connect with parents and guardians. CareDox is used by hundreds of schools in the U.S. and adheres to both FERPA and HIPPAA regulations to safeguard student health information. 

The CareDox portal replaces the paper-based student health forms used by the district with an electronic form that parents and guardians can fill out online.
The online portal provides many benefits, including:
  • Update your student’s health information, both for start of school and as needed throughout the year. Parents and guardians only complete the full form once and then simply update student information as health needs change.
  • Access your student’s health information securely on your mobile devices, such as a smart phone or tablet
  • Receive optional notifications from the nurse about care provided to your student during the school day. 
Parents and guardians who have set up their Source account will have access to their student’s school health information on CareDox. 

Log onto the Source and select CareDox in the menu, then complete the sign up for a CareDox portal user account.


NNE Mom said…
Melissa, are you still planning to do a write-up of the advanced learning meeting? I'm curious to hear what they talked about. Thank you for all your reporting work!
It'll be up tonight.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone else heard that Michael Tolley has announced he’s leaving SPS?

—At Last
Anonymous said…
It was posted staff-internally on November 9 but hasn't been announced publicly yet:

Michael Tolley Announcement
Michael Tolley, associate superintendent of teaching and learning, has announced he will be leaving his position at Seattle Public Schools at the end of this calendar year. While there are many things to be celebrated, Michael is particularly proud of transitioning our high schools to a college going culture, the significant reduction in the achievement gap for students of color as reflected in our graduation rates, the development and application of an equity index for the allocation of resources, and the adoption of systems to support teaching and learning and improve student learning.


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