Ted Howard to Return to SPS

 Tonight's Board meeting agenda has an item called "Personnel Report" and it's a listing of who is coming, going and/or rehired at SPS, from top administrative posts to all in-school postings. 

To my surprise, I see Ted Howard, former long-time principal at Garfield High School, coming in as Deputy Superintendent. This listing was effective July 1. There is no notice that the current deputy superintendent, Rob Gannon, is leaving. But it appeared to me that when Superintendent Brent Jones was named, he lured Gannon out of retirement; both had worked for King County. Perhaps it was a one-year deal all along.

Howard comes with considerable baggage and kudos from his years at Garfield. Beyond several high-profile personnel issues at Garfield, Howard also brought in the "Honors for All" program at Garfield and has not been a promoter of HCC. Hmmm.


Anonymous said…
Enrollment has declined again, so did academic standards. But that doesn't mean this district admins won't think about creating double Deputy Superintendent jobs.

Let 'em Eat the Cake
HF None said…
Under Ted Howard's leadership, Garfield piloted Honors for All (None). Research, Evaluation and Assessment provided a report that teachers were unable to consistently differentiate. The board and district ignored the report and moved forward with a plan to kill true Honor classes.

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