More Seattle School Board Candidate Interviews

Update 2:

I had it wrong (see below in red). The 36th - because of confusion and the need to continue on with other endorsements - never VOTED on an endorsement for School Board District 1. Technically, there is no endorsement but until there is a vote, it is just a placeholder.

I also was told I misspoke about Suzanne Dale Estey and a couple of others during the discussion. It was unclear if she and the others supported Rankin's candidacy but their beef was around how the 36th leadership allowed the discussion to go.

end of update


Well, apparently that was some endorsement meeting for the 36th Dems around school board endorsements. They did end up with the same endorsements as their Board did (see below) but not without some controversy. They also offered no endorsement for the District 5 City Council race.

 Incumbent Liza Rankin was in attendance as were the other two candidates in that race, Debbie Carlsen and Blane Parse. Apparently Christie Robertson running in District 3 was there as was Janai Ray, running in District 2.

My understanding is that all three of the candidates in the D1 race were allowed to introduce themselves. Rankin was endorsed by King County Girmay so it looked like she might get the nod. But then, public education advocate Kathy Smith spoke up about Rankin not being supportive of parents at Ingraham High School after the murder there as well as how the Times has also called this issue out. As well, Smith noted that in her 36th interview Rankin speaks about having "community engagement" over this term "well-resourced schools" when, in fact, Rankin has rarely, in 4 years, had community meetings at all in her own district. Lastly, she named how Rankin voted to get rid of committees that provide oversight on staff.

Well, it turns out that Smith, who has been a member of the 36th, did not have her dues up-to-date and so the question was, should her thoughts be considered? A parliamentary argument ensued with the upshot being no endorsement VOTED ON. The 36th may yet have another discussion AND then vote on an endorsement.

Rankin made this statement (I believe on Facebook):

"I'd be happy to respond to comments here in the chat, but am hold off as I do not feel it is the appropriate action and do not want to muck things up further. I would like the opportunity to share a response to the comments made to this body by Ms. Smith, and would ask the chair to recommend the best way to do that."

Apparently several people agreed with her and wanted the endorsement for her including failed school board candidate, Suzanne Dale Estey. I note that after Dale Estey ran, you never saw her again at any board meetings. 

 end of update

These interviews come from the Thundering 36th legislative district. They are having their endorsement meeting tonight and here's what their Board recommends for school board:

  • Seattle School Board Position 1: No Endorsement
  • Seattle School Board Position 2: Lisa Rivera Smith

Quite interesting. 


Liza Rankin - I plodded through this one and will update this post with  highlights for all the candidates. Sneak peak on Rankin: no specifics and she seems to think the district has nothing to do with enrollment numbers being down. 

Debbie Carlsen

Lisa Rivera Smith

Christina Posten


No Rankin said…
The 36th was smart not to recommend Rankin for endorsement.

I watched the 36th LD interview. Rankin was asked: What have you done? Rankin failed to acknowledge the fact that she killed highly capable. Enrollment: Rankin blames enrollment drops on decreasing birth rate and affordability. She failed to acknowledge that a large portion of Seattle students are in private school.

Rankin was asked to define "Well Resourced School". Rankin responds with "sufficient resources to provide a basic education." Rankin says she wants to talk to communities and have communities define "well resourced schools". Rankin neglects to mention that she hasn't held community meetings in her district since being elected. You can find Rankin with the SCPTSA, though.

Rankin's opponent is smart to call attention to the fact that Rankin has been MIA.

On budget deficit: Rankin neglects to mention that she tried to pass a $1.3B budget through the Consent Agenda which is intended for matters of routine!

On budget deficits: Didn't Rankin, at one point, say budget cuts should be "brutal" or something to that effect? Naturally, during the endorsement meeting Rankin wants to talk with "community". She hasn't held community meetings and worked to kill committee meetings which bring transparency.

Rankin on closing Option Schools: Rankin states board may not vote on option school closures. As I recall, school closures require a board vote. Rankin states that Option schools need to be specific in what they support and dollars provided to schools for those supports. No mention that TAF just left the district.

On the question of school shootings: Rankin represents Ingraham where a student was shot and killed. The Seattle Times has been all over the board and superintendent to address the community. Rankin says school shootings are not a "school issue". Rankin represents Broadview Thompson where the school was locked down to a rifle being spotted on school property- which turned out to be a bb gun.
Posten Interview said…
Posten District 1:

- Wants to focus on student safety.

- Program alignment. Create reasons for students to remain at school.

- "Well Resourced School"- Fully staffed school, community of alignment, secure safe buildings, electives that are responsive to students, Family Support School, strengthen relationship with district leaders. Every student needs to be seen.

- Budget Deficit and school closures: Outside audit of school spending. Increase trust with legislature.

Posten Interview said…
Posten calls attention to the fact that students that have come out of the juvenile detention center, students that are food insecure and black and brown students in Seattle's north-end high school do not have access to the same resources that south end students have.

Hampson et. al are determined to kill PTA funding which helps north end schools fill in gaps for struggling students.

Anonymous said…
No Rankin

The bar is very low! So many big picture things went wrong under Rankin - COVID schooling, homeless encampments on school grounds, the district going bankrupt. Rankin did not do minimal work to hold the district accountable for any of it or respond to her constituents. No community meetings, going along with the new governance model to shut down committees, not a single email back to me to let me know she was listening. And using equity as a weapon to reinforce low quality education. I cannot wait to vote out this woman. Good on the 36th.


Anonymous said…
I can’t believe Rankin is running again after the complete clusterfuck with the homeless encampment at Broadview Thompson. They spent district money to hire a con-artist, all because they were too proud to ask the city for help, and too blinded by their white savior complex to acknowledge that they were completely outside of their wheelhouse. I mean, at least Hampson has the sense to not run again (although I am sure this is not the end of her political ambitions either.) she has never owned up to these mistakes, but instead plays victim and complains about Seattle Times covering the school board in a biased way. Rankin has no self-awareness and no sense of responsibility to her own district. She really believes that she is the good guy and anyone who disagrees with her us a villain or a bully.

-ne Seattle parent

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