What is SPS paying Communications to Do?

 I'm baffled. 

As you may recall from this post and this post, both musicians and athletes from three high schools in SPS, Lincoln, Garfield and Roosevelt, did wonderful things over the last month. 

Has Seattle Schools acknowledged this at their website? Nope. On Twitter? Nope. Their Facebook page only reflects the Lincoln High School accomplishments. 

So does a team or band have to win it all to get attention from the district? Because in the past, when the Roosevelt or Garfield Jazz Band came in first or second at the Essentially Ellington Competition, the district would always acknowledge it.

I'll be interested to see if the Superintendent and/or the Board make an acknowledgement of these schools at next week's Board meeting. 


Anonymous said…
Yes, pathetic indeed. And when SPS does occasionally acknowledge accomplishments, it's most frequently in sports or arts/music. I can't remember the last time an academic accomplishment was acknowledged. No mention of national merit scholars in the years I've been an SPS parent nor of any other academic accolades. Perhaps not celebrating national merit scholars is an attempt to hide how poorly SPS does compared to neighboring districts. It's so clear that scholastic achievement is not a priority - and parents who in fact do value scholastic endeavors are voting with their feet and leaving the district en masse.

The shortsightedness of the school board and the superintendent's office astounds.

Anonymous said…
Right? Someone pointed out in the FB group that they got a canned advertisement from Peachjar, some prepackaged marketing content that SPS pushes out on their distro list, advertising enrollment in a charter school! That’s what happens when you farm out your comms content. Why on earth do they have a comms budget? What a waste of money.

Corporate Takeover
Well, the district does acknowledge these students and their academic accomplishments but that's only because it's the district's scholarship fund.


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