From the Seattle Police Department Blotter on Ballard/Whitman Robberies

Update: KUOW story

 The Seattle Police Department said it plans to dispatch a mobile precinct to the area, along with more officers to deter such crimes, but only "when staffing allows."

end of update

October 23, 2023

Seattle Police Robbery detectives continue to investigate the reported robberies that have occurred near Ballard High School and Whitman Middle School.   

Detectives have linked four reported incidents since September 2023. The suspects in these incidents were described as a group of 4-6 subjects. Most of the cases involve 3-6 Black males wearing ski masks or hoodies, but it was also reported an Asian male and Black female may have been involved in one of the incidents. The suspect vehicles driven were described to be either a red Kia, gray Hyundai, and or a red/silver sedan.   

The red Kia has been recovered, but police continue to search for the gray Hyundai and red/silver sedan.  

The suspects appear to be in their teens, but this has not yet been confirmed. Some of the teenage victims in these robberies observed a firearm while being demanded to hand over their phone or other personal belongings.   

The SPD mobile precinct and additional police presence will be provided in the area when staffing allows to assist in deterring criminal activity and protecting public safety.   

These crimes against our youth in our communities are a high priority for the department. We do ask that you keep your safety a number one priority and be vigilant in identifying a potentially dangerous situation.  

If you have any information regarding any of these cases, please call the SPD Violent Crimes Tip Line at (206)233-5000. 


Anonymous said…
We need to clean house both on the school board - who have largely been silent on this - as well as on city council - who have let lawlessness fester.

We need to crack down on police brutality but not at the cost of enabling criminality. Our city and neighborhoods are paying the price for this lack of leadership.

Use your votes folks.

And Melissa, for the school board races, please do another post summarizing all the folks you recommend so we can have a second look.


Outsider said…
Common misconception is that city council has any significant role. Robbery and kidnapping are felonies, and decisions whether or not to prosecute are entirely with the county. The person enabling all this crime is your King County council person and County Executive Dow Constantine.

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