Seattle Schools' Elementary School/K-8 Data Points

Here's something interesting that surely might help the discussion over school closures. 

There's a mom out there - Beth - who covers Board meetings with tweets. She sounds like a busy mom so she misses some stuff but generally get the major points.  (I did reach out to her for her whole name but I didn't hear back from her.)

She's @thebethocracy. Here's her Twitter bio:

Passionate about education and safe streets for those walking and rolling here in lovely Seattle

She has created this graphic that she has named, Neighborhood Elementary School Data for Seattle Public Schools. 

It's quite good with multiple data points for each elementary school. She does include K-8s. 

Give it a look-see and let us know if you have any insights after that.


Anonymous said…
First thing I noticed is that closing the buildings in poor conditions could all be readily absorbed by neighboring schools.

Some schools missing, like option schools, Cascadia, etc. These would also help absorb the students from the schools in poor condition.

Couldn't figure out the racial and social equity composite index.


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