The Sticky Wicket Comes to One Seattle High School
I have seen the entire test. Those two questions I put up are completely indicative of the entire test. There are NO questions about world history. It reads much like a litmus test for being woke.
I think what could be said to students - in teaching about gender issues - is to use the word “currently.” As in, “Currently there is much discussion over gender identity and here are the issues around that. The bottom line is that we all remain respectful of each others' choices in this area.”The current state of the world is a legit world history topic. But this test is just wrong in that context.
And, on the heels of this incident, here is another one that happened at Jane Addams Middle School. This occurred last spring but only came to light recently. A social students teacher, who is the Gay-Straight Alliance coordinator, had an activity for kids to write letters to the rightwing and dangerous women at the Moms for Liberty group.
The return address was that of JAMS/SPS which might suggest some kind of link/endorsement by the district/school.
Apparently Moms for Liberty posted this on Twitter/X. They raised questions like "Is this the best use of student time" but it could have been done after school. "Who paid for the postage and supplies?" That's not known.
They also said on Twitter:
The building of the Red Guard in America.
SPS said:
"We firmly uphold the rights of our students, staff, and families to express their authentic selves," the spokesperson told CITC.
I would guess that JAMS has a GSA group and the teacher suggested at a meeting to send these letters to Moms for Liberty. I am glad that none of the kids signed their names because MFL would have come after them and their families. I don't think the teacher thought a lot about taking on a very organized group like MFL. In today's world, it can be very dangerous.
But just to note, Moms for Liberty certainly has its hypocrites at the top of the food chain, one of them sitting on a Florida school board.
end of updates
This is one of those stories I loathe writing about, namely, because there isn't really any reason for it to have happened. But principals seem to give their teachers a heck of a lot of latitude. Sometimes that backfires.
Right upfront, I want peace in the world. I do not think that any explosive situation just happens in a vacuum but I also do not think terrorist actions against innocent civilians is ever right. Both sides in the Israel/Palestine fight have blood on their hands. I posit that neither is "right."
Students are not living in a vacuum either and I suspect there is likely lively talk in many classrooms, even in high school. Teachers have a delicate wire to walk but a good teacher will tell students that any opinion that includes the destruction of any group of people is wrong. However, each student is allowed their opinion but cannot use that opinion to bully or threaten any other student. As well, a good teacher will tell students that the U.S. is a very diverse place and we all need to understand our history and live with - in respect and peace - those who differ from our opinions.
Teachers also need to understand that no matter where they personally stand, they need to present both sides of an issue in a neutral manner. If students perceive a teacher has taken a side, that certainly will dampen that student's initiative to be part of a discussion and may even make fearful students who can't be sure the teacher would stick up for their opinion.
The situation as I understand it.
A History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School has said and taught some things that are upsetting some people. I cannot speak for how many students feel but one student's mother spoke up after a couple of questions on a test seemed faulty. This teacher seems to be a political advocate and so you have this overlap of what the person believes personally (and teachers are allowed opinions) and what he teaches. He appears to be a political activist in his personal life.
I have been learning about this via Twitter feeds and other media. Some of it is from right-wing media that appears to have unleashed angry people on this teacher. I cannot find the teacher's Facebook page now; I would guess it got taken down. I also note that the CSIHS website has been altered to take out the direct link to staff listings as well as the listings for History/Social Studies.
Somebody's upset.
Chief Sealth International High School has several World History courses that incorporate Ethnic Studies, right down to the name of class saying "Ethnic Studies." There is one class that seems be the most embedded in ES themes. This is Ethnic Studies World History 3 (partial description):
The teacher is the school's representative for the Seattle Education Association which recently passed a resolution on the situation in Israel/Palestine.
I read the resolution and I would not call it "pro-Hamas" but it certainly sides with the Palestinian side more than the Jewish side. Naturally, SEA can do what it wants. I do think this open politicking might just come up in the next teacher contract negotiations, given that it is the district that has to deal with parents of all stripes.
Jason Rantz at My Northwest covered the story about the student and the quiz:
A 10th grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School in Seattle gave students a quiz titled, “Understanding Gender vs. Sex.” The quiz provided a series of statements to label true or false, or questions with multiple choices.
Many of the questions focused on personal pronoun use (When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?” or assumptions one may make around gender identity.
The issue that Rantz takes is that he believes that only women can get pregnant and only men can have penises.
Folks, we can deep dive into the nuances of today's world about "define what is a woman," gender identity, etc. But this is a World History class and it seems that those discussions might be for a biology class or social studies class (I note that CSIHS puts History and Social Studies together in a classification but the name of the course only includes history.)
The student’s mother wrote to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH expressing “frustration and anger.” She says she expressed concerns to the school, but was “met with silence.”
“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” she said to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. She asked for anonymity for fear her son would face retribution.
The mom told the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH that she worries about the school routinely allowing teachers to bring political beliefs into the classroom. The gender identity issue is just one example. She also said her child, who is white, routinely faces scrutiny for his skin color and so-called privilege.
She said various teachers have called her son, “f****d and racist,” a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything,” and that “he shouldn’t use the term straight to identify as because its offensive.”
Now I would take that last paragraph with a grain of salt because I don't believe teachers speak like that to students. As well, if a teacher wants to wade into gender, well, I guess they can. But I do agree with the mom that those two questions are almost trick questions because you might answer one way in this history teacher's class and yet another way in a biology class.
Seattle Public Schools, through a spokesperson, defended the quiz as “inclusive,” arguing it was appropriate for an Ethnic Studies course.
“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” the spokesperson said to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “This commitment extends to fostering welcoming and inclusive settings where students, staff, and families have the freedom to express their authentic selves.”
Ok but is this then a history class or an Ethnic Studies class? Merging the two? Well, you can see the confusion.
The Teacher
I'm not going to name him; you can follow links to find out. But he said something on Facebook (and I paraphrase):
I have seen ZERO proof that this teacher has said anything in his class about the Israel/Palestine situation nor any charges that he has.
Measured Response
I was appalled to learn that SEA signed a resolution regarding the Israel/ Palestinian conflict because these are the people that are teaching our students.
The purpose of education is to teach the truth. I've personally had it with activist teachers. Teachers should be teaching about Palestinian and Israeli history. They should be teaching about Palestinian and Israeli treaties etc. The students should be critical thinkers and have the capacity to form their own opinions.
We have all seen the clique of activist teachers. They want to indoctrinate- not teach. Some push socialism. There is a place to teach about socialism, but our educational system owes it to the students to also teach about communism and capitalism.
The Curriculum and Instructional committee is gone. The board has not voted on an Ethnic Studies or Gender Studies curriculum. It would be nice for the board to put these topics into public view.
And our public school system needs to be cognizant of all children.
I'm a little concerned that these 13-14 year olds were explicitly required to take the online Pew Research Political Typology quiz (as well as encouraged to take the following online quizzes: The Political Compass, Idealog, I Side With, and Political Bias Test Clearer Thinking) They then had an assignment paper to report their demographics, where they land on the liberal/conservative spectrum, explain their relationship to other demographic groups, their level of political engagement and who they supported in the 2020 elections.
In what world does a teacher care about then 10 year olds' picks for president? Even in elementary school, the kids and teachers in 2016 wisely decided to keep the mock vote anonymous. But times change. The whole thing seemed a tad invasive and not teaching the kids to recognize separation of state and religion/personal beliefs. Governor Desantis in Florida was widely criticized in helping pass legislation requiring state universities to annually survey students and faculty about their political beliefs. But yet, it might seem OK at SPS because the authorities in the classroom see themselves as benign and on the righteous side of history.
SPS Parent
I actually don't have time to read and review, publish and then circle back to unpublish because you changed your mind.
Critical Thought
Schools should not be teaching this contradiction to biology. As alot of people have noticed of late, it's in direct conflict with girls & women's concerns (Title IX for example). And it's consider quite taboo to even discuss the issue.
Anonymous in North Seattle
As for "who is this helping?" I can only tell you that you know who it's hurting? Public education. Activist teachers need to check themselves. They are not there to insert their viewpoint into teaching beyond SEL like kindness and respect. It hurts public education when things like this get picked up nationally and then the finger pointing starts. I tell many conservatives on Twitter that activist teachers are not a big thing in this country but give them one real example and they are off to the races.
Anonymous in North Seattle, I'm not going to say that I agree with all that you said BUT you are entitled, as a parent, to have an opinion. But you are right about speaking out. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get labelled terrible things outside this blog but sometimes you do have to be the cheese who stands alone.
Unknown, yes, I see the fine hand of TCG here.
Immigrant, the issue with your observation is that would be introducing religion into the classroom; we don't do that in this country.
Jason Rantz and Jonathon Cho mean nothing to me. How about you back up your ideas rather than triangulate against people or positions? Claiming someone is in the outgroup camp as an argument is intellectually lazy weaksauce. Let your ideas stand on their own.
We can talk about religion in schools, but it has to be framed as a viewpoint, not the truth, or the way, or apply pressure to students to believe or participate in it. It is culturally relevant to discuss a tenant of a majority-religion in the US, and same goes for any other religion.
Classifying someone else’s beliefs as a religion so you can discriminate against it tells me who you are.
Going Low
Exactly, who are the people teaching our children these days? Who are the building leaders that allow this type of litmus test in a World History class?
I think it is safe to say that between the district's poor fiscal management, and recent developments..people should really think about leaving the district.
World History/ Ethnic Studies has been infused into every high school in Seattle. In some school, the class is mandatory. Yet, our woke board never approved curriculum.
SPS doesn’t dispute any of these facts. Yes, Rantz and Ngo have obvious biases, but they reported the correct facts. Do you think we just shouldn’t talk about it because it might be used by school choice advocates? Do you think the teacher was appropriate? Only 16.1% of CSIHS students were proficient in math last year, why are they wasting time teaching kids incorrect facts just because they fit the teacher’s political beliefs? Shoehorning politics into schools, , especially at a time of falling test scores, is a great way to undermine support for public schools.
Another SPS Parent
“Classifying someone else’s beliefs as a religion so you can discriminate against it tells me who you are.”
Why are you accusing Immigrant of discriminating? Not sharing someone else’s beliefs is NOT discrimination. I’m not religious. Am I discriminating against Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc by not sharing their beliefs?
Another SPS Parent
The teacher is a self described Communist and Anarchist with a criminal history in Oregon. Given the photos outside of the teacher's room, it appears that the teacher is more interested in indoctrinating students- than teaching. Sadly, Seattle Public Schools seems to fully back the teacher's World History class, and, it seems that the teacher would have full support of Seattle School Board, as well.
Below is a history class that is being taught at Lakeside. Seattle would be smart to offer a similar class, but I doubt such a class would be offered. The district, and board, IMO, will continue to follow activist teachers which is very very sad.
"H415 Understanding the Modern Middle East
This course is an opportunity for students to gain the cultural proficiency and the historical depth
necessary to understand the complexities of this much-maligned region. Students will engage in a
series of critical discussions around media literacy and issues of gender and development in
countries or regions as culturally and politically different as Iraq, Iran, Israel, and Palestine. Area specific case studies will focus on some of the current issues facing the region and will also vary
depending on the news of the day. Students will read broadly, across disciplines; in addition to the
texts, they will engage with news sources, literature, and elements of pop culture. A multi-school
simulation in which students play stakeholders in the Arab-Israeli conflict will add another rich layer
to the course. This is a writing- and reading-intensive course. Assessments include formal papers and
projects, as well as shorter writings and presentations. "
When we all started throwing back red cups of woke kool aid a couple years ago, we imbibed this logic.
Teaching both sides is now problematic too.
SP, how am I being silent? And I just said that both sides should be fleshed out in teaching history. You can explain how the Civil War came about, especially around what the South wanted, AND how the slavery issue WAS the issue and it was always wrong. To tell kids Lincoln was right and the South was wrong is teaching much.
Kids aren't dumb. When they learn some of the very lame and lousy reasoning that has occurred throughout history, I'll bet they'll be able to see right through it.
Private Parts
"Teaching both sides is now problematic too.
12/15/23, 6:16 AM"
Most of the referenced comment is sarcasm !!!!!!!!!!!!
With the TCG crowd, if you're silent or you ask questions,
if you say ANYTHING they don't approve of, then you're vilified.
Go Figure