Seattle Schools Waitlists

 From a reader comment:

Desperate parent here trying to connect with others in the same boat.
Is no one going to talk about the school choice waitlist for next year?
Why is this school admin a joke?


Anonymous said…
Wonder if and when they will move waitlists. There is space, but enrollment won't move the lists. In recent years, they would not move waitlisted students into option schools if it would cause an enrollment deficit at the neighborhood school where a child was assigned. And if they would not move that child, they wouldn't move any kid below that one on the waitlist either. I see Thornton Creek with significant waitlists; they are build for 4 classes per grade but presently have only 3, and some grades are low in numbers. Why don't they add the 4th kindergarten? Why aren't some of those students simply enrolled instead of waitlisted?

-Broken Systems
Anonymous said…
Lots of strange things happening with waitlists and enrollment. GLES has 70 enrolled K students although it was only projected/planning for 40 given many in the zone go to McDonald/JSIS. Wondering about the current enrollment levels at McDonald/JSIS or if they’ve moved their waitlists.


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