Two Items of Major Interest

One is an opt-out letter to refuse for your child to do state testing. Parents may have many reasons to opt their student out and it is allowed by law in Washington State to do so.

The other item is a webinar from the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy;

Join us on Monday, May 6 at 8 PM ET; 7 PM CT; 6PM MT. Find out how you can ensure your children's personal data including their test scores are NOT sold by the College Board or ACT.

Here's a registration link.


evergreen said…
At the top of the form are several bullet points, including these two:
- 10th grade students who do not participate can not use the Smarter Balanced Assessment or Washington Access to Instruction & Measurement as a graduation pathway (
- Lack of assessment scores may impact course selection in 11th and 12th grade.

What does this mean? Sounds like potential for negative impact on students who opt out.
Anonymous said…
actually, refusing participation in state assessments is not included in the legislation. OSPI and local school districts have policies around refusal for tests and other school activities.

Evergreen, yes, SPS tries to punish kids for opting out. I would say that I doubt - given their equity views - that they could kept almost any kid out of any class.

I also note that SPS used to try to deny admission to HCC if you didn't take the test. I'm pretty sure someone could have sued over that but given how they are wrecking the program, does it matter?

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