Is There a Special Board Meeting Tomorrow? Updated 9/27


I am hearing chatter that the Board will call a special meeting sometime next week (ahead of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on October 9th) in order for the Superintendent to put forth a revised and final plan. 

As I talk about here, the Board policy on closures is specific on what any plan needs to have including criteria for closure, demographic information, co-facility use and what each site's classification will be. These items are in addition to the Board's desire to know how the closures will help "student outcomes" beyond schools being "well-resourced." On the co-facility use, one example I did not know about is Catherine Blaine K-8, which appeared in the first iteration of the closure plan. It is co-owned with the City.

I would say all of that is certainly doable in a short period of time but again, both the law and the policy have specific timelines that I do not believe can be met before the end of 2024. The district wants to get this voted on and cued up for 2025 by the end of December. 

They absolutely would have to cram hearings for each school within days of each other (if not a couple each night) BUT there has to be two weeks public notice for each school. That certainly eats up time. 

The district likes to drop news late on Fridays so I'll keep an eye out today for any news.

Stay tuned.

end of update


Reading news and updates about the closure situation, I see that there is a possibility for a Board Special Meeting tomorrow. 

I don't see anything scheduled yet so I will keep you updated if that changes.


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