Two Actions of Interest in Seattle School Closures Debate

All Together for Seattle Schools has a website - Fund SPS - with information as well as suggestions for action.
As well, the John Hay Elementary PTSA is hosting Director Joe Mizrahi at their next meeting on Monday, September 16th at 6:30 pm.
Director Gina Topp is having her regularly monthly community meeting on Wednesday, September 25th at the West Seattle Library at 6 pm. 
end of updates
No Closures, No Cuts!
Community Organizing and Planning Meeting to Save SPS - Saturday, 9/13 at noon
Event by Robert Cruickshank (SPS parent)
Jefferson Park3801 Beacon Ave South, Seattle
May be an image of text

 To note, the Board meeting starts at 4:15 pm and it sure would be good to pack the room.







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