A Thoughtful Post about Native American Students by Our New Superintendent

I was just browsing the web, looking up Larry Nyland's background.  His LinkedIn page has a very long list of accomplishments and awards.  Impressive.

At the state level I have had the opportunity to serve as:
- Superintendent representative on the Washington State Educational Coordinating Council.
- Representative on the State Board of Education Math Panel.
- Past-president of WASA (Washington Association of School Administrators).
- Past-president of WABS (Washington Alliance of Better Schools).
- Past-president of WCEAP (Washington Coalition of Educational Administration Programs).
- Developer of the Seattle Pacific University superintendent preparation program.
- Participant in the development of the Washington State Leadership Academy.
- Contributor to the development and evaluation of Success at the Core.
- Interim director for the Washington Commission on Student Learning.
- Key participant in legislation regarding: school reform, ELL, math PD, and phantom levy lid.
- Washington State Superintendent of the year.

Then I found this post he wrote for a group, KFLA (Kellogg Fellowship Leadership Alliance), called "Building Bridges and Hope and Understanding."  It was written almost a year ago today and it's about working with Native American students and community members. 

Again, impressive.

(He also speaks Swedish, Norwegian and French.)


Anonymous said…
This is why it is such a waste of time and money to ignore local state talent when searching for education leadership. I hope this evolves into something more long-term.

We shouldn't allow corporate headhunters to fill the district with politicos.

-feeling hopeful
Anonymous said…
What is the new email address for the Sup?

Anonymous said…
Great post -- seems like a great human being. SPS sure needs thinking like his.

mirmac1 said…
I am eagerly awaiting some indication that he is not part of the "Supt Great/Directors good/teachers meh/union is Beezlebub" mentality that permeates WSSDA.

WSSDA has cooked up many one-sided pro-administrator, anti-student model policies/procedures and has managed to ram them through many districts.
Carol Simmons said…
Dear CCA

Thank you.

Anonymous said…
Great post on the blog by interim-Superindendant Nyland. Can he be a candidate for the position?

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