Seattle Schools To Hold Community Meeting on Special Education

From SPS Communications:

When:  Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Time:  6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.

Where:  Seattle Public John Stanford Center Auditorium, 2445 3rd Avenue South

What:  A family meeting hosted by Seattle Public Schools and the TIERS Group (Teams Intervening Early to Reach all Students) to hear about the results of an evaluation of special education services, recommendations and the revised comprehensive correction plan. 
 A brief presentation by TIERS Group of their report will be followed by an overview of the Revised Comprehensive Correction Plan to be implemented during the coming school year. 
Families will have an opportunity to discuss with school officials and TIERS Group plans to improve services to the community.

Interpreters will be provided for Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese and Cantonese. If you need an American Sign Language interpreter please contact Mary Perrigo at for arrangements.

Background information:
Seattle Public School’s Special Education Department is undergoing a Comprehensive Corrective Action Plan (C-CAP) to help improve results for our students in special education. As part of this plan, the department is working with experts from Louisiana State University and the TIERS Group for consultation on activities related to C-CAP targets.

TIERS visited the District this spring to collect data for initial analysis on the special education department. They will present the information learned from this analysis at the July 22 meeting to families. The report will also be available online by 7/21/2014 at


Anonymous said…
At this impt community meeting with families, the Special Education Dept has arranged for childcare on site. Translators and childcare.


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