Stand for Children's Petition - Don't Sign It

Stand has this "education" petition going around. Consider not signing it.

First, note the source.  That should tell you all you need to know right there.  (What's funny is they want one word changed and claim it will "free" Washington from NCLB.  There's no way they can know that for sure. 

Next, it is a GOOD thing that Washington State stood up to the feds on No Child Left Behind.

Our districts lost the ability to decide how to use the money (and hey, that may mean they have to use it for the most direct services.)

We should be telling our state legislators that while teachers and principals need to be evaluated, test scores should not be the main criteria.  All this talk about "personalizing" teaching to the student should be reflect in how teachers are evaluated. 

If this crosses your desk, think about just deleting that e-mail and moving on.


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