Tuesday Open Thread

The 2014 Band Jam event will take place at 6:30 pm this Friday July 25, 2014 at the Southwest Athletic Complex – 2601 SW Thistle St. (across the street from Chief Sealth International High School.)

Band Jam is an annual band showcase intended to highlight what we all know to be the best part of the summer parade season – the bands. In addition to featuring some of the youth ensembles participating in this year’s Seafair Torchlight Parade, we will also be treated to performances by some talented adult music ensembles, as a reminder to students that music can be a lifelong pursuit and a great way to connect with fellow performers and the community.

This is a non-competitive event sponsored by the Seattle Schools All-City Band. Admission is free.  Food concessions will be sold on site.

The 2014 lineup includes:
The Junior All-City Marching Band www.DennySealthMusic.org
The Pacific Northwest Drumline
The Ten Man Brass Band www.facebook.com/tenmanbrass
The Sumner High School Marching Band http://www.sumnerband.com/
The Chaotic Noise Marching Corps www.facebook.com/chaoticnoisemarchingcorps
The Seattle Sounders F.C. Soundwave  http://www.soundersfc.com/matchday/the-band
The Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band www.allcityband.org

In other musical (and fun things), it's Pianos in the Parks. 

Also to note, the State was refused by the feds in its bid to NOT have to send out letters to parents telling them their child's school is failing under NCLB.  I think Superintendent Dorn's request was not unreasonable given (1) the costs for districts to send the mailings and (2) the ridiculousness of saying that 98% of all schools in any given district are failing (under NCLB), causing confusion for parents.  As well, the letter is to say that parents can move their child to a school that isn't failing but that is not truly a reality.

Dorn apparently sent the letter because he was asked to by legislators but now says that he is likely to lobby the Legislature to make the change in the teacher evaluation wording (from "can" to "must" in using test scores).  And, if that happens, all will probably be forgiven by the DOE (and Arne Duncan) and Washington State will get a new waiver. 

How about getting rid of a fairly stupid law?  (I note that Superintendent Banda sent out his own letter on behalf of the district but I haven't heard any news back on that one.)

What's on your mind? 


mirmac1 said…
The Band Jam ROCKS!!
John said…
Has anyone researched Charles Wright's connection to All About My School. He is the founder of the organization. Are we looking at a conflict on interest?

2010 - 2012

Founder and CEO - All About My School

All About My School is an emerging online community that helps parents, extended families, and professionals connect to the people, resources, and tools they need to help their child succeed in and out of school.
John said…
Isn't Wright working on data dashboards etc. Not that these things won't serve children, but I'm wondering if there is a conflict of interest.

More on Wright's history:

2011 - Courant

Portfolio Manager - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Recruited to serve as Portfolio Manager for the College Ready Division’s Next Generation Learning Models team. Work closely with the Deputy Director to manage grant making against the division’s strategy and award envelope (~$60m in 2011), which include working with program officers to develop and execute strategies for three emerging initiatives that support personalized learning: Blended Learning Models, Innovative Professional Development, and Content and Tools. Drive team’s learning agenda and development of metrics to track progress towards our goals.
Anonymous said…
More 'uh-oh charters:


Ohio won’t investigate all of the charter schools operated in the state by a company accused of hiring unqualified teachers, cheating on standardized tests, and allowing boys to grope female classmates.

The Ohio Department of Education will limit its investigation of Horizon Science Academies to the Dayton area, where the alleged wrongdoing was reported.

The state Board of Education declined to open investigations into all 17 Horizon schools in Ohio, which are operated by Concept Schools…

…Other former employees said school administrators “clearly lied” about attendance and tampered with standardized test results. (more)

John, I know about Mr. Wright's efforts. I believe that group is now called Parent Valet and Mr. Wright is the registered contact at the Sec'y of State's office. I let the Board know about it because if he wants to complain about a workload, it's hard to understand why he has a second job/responsibility.

DW, I need to do a news roundup on both charters and Common Core. Ohio is really a mess.
Anonymous said…
Parent Valet is an inactive corporation as of May 2013

mirmac1 said…
OMG. Google "parent valet" and there is Charles Wright making a pitch to the FoundersShowcase of "over 600 leading investors, founders, and members of the press to network, hear talks from leading CEOs, and help launch a startup company to greatness. Who is next? Vote for your favorite startups...!"

He didn't financial backing. Guess that's why he ended up at our doorstep.
Charlie Mas said…
Is Charles Wright still on the Alliance for Education Board? Isn't that a conflict?
John said…

Charles Wright is not listed on the Alliance's board.


I suspect the Alliance put him in the district to push-through all of Gate's backed initiatives.
John said…
You would think that the Alliance and Seattle's politicos would be happy/grateful that the district has taken responsibility for funding the Teacher Residency Program at the cost of $60K per candidate. Clearly, that isn't enough; the same individuals want the district to pay $1.4M to fund the city's preschool "pilot" program- BEFORE the levy passed.
Anonymous said…
Yes, we, SPS, are Charles Wrights' "sloppy seconds". As soon as he gets a better gig (more prestige, more money, more muckity-muckedness), then he is sooooo out of here. he's a guy with so many opinions, and yet, so precious little time in a classroom in front of actual children. Typical.

Just a question of how much damage he'll do in the meantime while we are the stopover crash landing pad while he waits for his greatness to be manifest. To bad all the important people didn't back his startup "Parent Valet". That would have kept him out of our hair.

Can we have Noel Treat back?

-please leave
mirmac1 said…
Okay, this just blows my mind...

Seattle Teacher Residency 5 year budget

This document is worth downloading.

SPS is on the hook for $300K for 14-15 STR expenses. Three years later, this will be $1.6M - with costs just climbing.

By the 17-18 year, over $650K of total expenditures will be for more muckety-mucks at JSCEE. Oh, and don't forget covering some of the Alliance's "CEO" and CEO' assistant's time.

Revenue from "private sources" are TBD.....

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