Seattle Compassionate Schools Movement

Just heard about this event:

From Sandy Hook to Seattle: Building the Compassionate Schools Movement
Monday, August 11th - 7 pm-9 pm - $10
Tuesday, August 12th - 8 am-4 pm - $20
Cleveland High School, 5511 15th Avenue S.

Register here.

Following the tragedy in Newtown, CT, Dr. Christopher Kukk and Scarlett Lewis, mother of 6-year old Jesse Lewis, began work to weave compassion into schools. They met with President Obama and soon after with his sister, who was developing compassion curriculum for schools on the opposite side of the country. The movement to create a nation of compassionate schools had begun.

Join us for a compassionate schools networking conference for teachers, parents, students, administrators and community partners as we learn from these experts and work together to promote social and emotional growth strategies, community service opportunities, earth stewardship initiatives and innovative perspectives for rethinking schools. Guest speakers include:

Dr. Christopher Kukk
Western Connecticut State University
Center for Compassion, Creativity & Innovation

Scarlett Lewis
Founder, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation

Raj Manhas
Superintendent, North Thurston Public Schools

Ron Hertel
OSPI, Compassionate Schools Project Director

Marilyn Turkovich
Charter for Compassion International

City Official
Representing Seattle City Mayor

Community partnership and networking opportunities:

• Service learning strategies with Lois Brewer, SPS Director of Service Learning
• Compassion and Creativity clubs with Peter Hubbard, 5th grade teacher
• Youth Ambassadors with Youth Ambassador students
• Compassion Games International with Jon Ramer, Compassion Games founder
• Mindful classroom stress reduction with Dr. Joshua Ginzler,
• DiscoverGiving: Classroom Philanthropy with Karli Larson, TisBest Philanthropy
• Unleash the Brilliance with Terrell Dorsey, Founder and CEO
• And Many More!

Clock hours offered for all Washington State certified teachers.

Light refreshments and a full lunch will be provided. Seating is limited to 500.


Anonymous said…
Are they for real?

Anonymous said…
Is what or who "for real", Michael?

Are you real?

What exactly do you mean by your cryptic and dubious comment?

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