Seattle Schools on "The Conversation" at 10 am Today

ADDED: Link to the archive of today's show if you want to listen to Mel, me, Andrew (via e-mail) and others speaking on this topic.

Today on KUOW (94.9), the first hour of "The Conversation" (from 10 am to 11 am) is about Seattle Public Schools.

Who should supervise Seattle schools?
With the upcoming departure of Superintendent Raj Manhas, what's needed to solve the problems facing the Seattle Public School system? Should the entire school board resign? Does Mayor Greg Nickels' need to assert some control? What role should the state play? We'll take your calls and hear your proposals.

Call: (206) 543-KUOW or (800) 289-KUOW; or e-mail to get your perspective on this issue on the air.


I called in (I'm always Melissa or Mel from Ravenna if you're ever wondering if that's me calling). I said that I thought we did not have a crisis but we had many challenges and that a good superintendent would want to (and could) step up to those challenges. What I heard most was that people are not interested in the Mayor appointed anyone. There were a couple of callers (myself included) who felt there was a push from downtown to appoint people and there was suspicion about why. People were all over the place on the superintendent. Some want an educator, some want a superstar, some do want Rice as an interim. I asked for journalists to please get an interview with Rice and ask him what he thinks (and not get it second-hand from Nickels).

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