Seattle Times endorses Dale-Estey and Blanford

Not exactly a surprise. In the last couple election cycles the Times has endorsed two candidates in the primary. Not so this time.
Editorial: Suzanne Dale Estey and Stephan Blanford for Seattle School Board


A couple of things:

- I noticed a bit more of a generous tone from the Times about all the candidates. I think that may change for the general election.

- I'm a bit mystified about them playing up Ms. Estey's education advocacy. It's all a bit vague so I'm not sure she's been more active than the average active SPS parent.

- They fail to note that Sue Peters is also a current SPS parent (and for much longer).

- They bookend the piece by calling the Board dysfunctional. The players are going to change, no matter what. Is it really necessary to beat this drum over and over?
Charlie Mas said…
The Times says that the Board dysfunction is rooted in divisiveness.

Three continuing board members have endorsed Sue Peters.

If the Times were really interested in Board unity, wouldn't they endorse the candidate who was endorsed by continuing board members?
Po3 said…
"Dale Estey offers sharp insight into education gained from volunteering weekly in her son’s classroom and from working with the Community Center for Education Results, which oversees the South Seattle and South King County school-improvement effort known as the Road Map Project."

Two things:

First she barely has kids in school, no offense but volunteering in a kindergarten/frst grade classroom in the Magnolia area does not give you "sharp insight."

Second: Road Map! Huge.Red.Flag.

Also, interesting that three continuing board members have endoursed Peters.

Cannot even recall the name of the third candidate; that is not a good sign!
The third candidate is Dean McColgan.
mirmac1 said…
For the FERPA obfuscation...I mean presentation, see here at minute 20.
Po3 said…
Road Map is gettting our students data from SPS And wouldn't a board director who worked for them be willing to strengthen that partnership? Could it also be viewed as a conflict of interest?

Unknown said…
Mirmac1, could you send a new link on that?
mirmac1 said…
Sure thing. See for yourself.

Modessa Jacobs' FERPA presentation

For an incomplete and inadequate reply, advance to minute 64.

Can I repeat, if you think the release of your student's PII is worth "data portability", ease of access and entry for unnamed "community partners", etc etc, might I suggest you let your Board director know. They truly have no idea.
joanna said…
Basically these are the same comments I posted on the Times below:

For a bit I stopped my subscription to the Seattle Times due to bias of the education reporting there and advocacy for one controversial point of view. Since it is the only daily, I recently renewed it. This is another case where the Times is entitle to an editorial opinion, but in order to be journalistic sound, the article should not ignore the experience of Sue Peters as an advocate for education and with the Seattle School District. Peters and Estey are both good candidates, and if the Times fairly portrayed both candidates and then gave the reason for their endorsement, I would find the article interesting and perhaps disagree or agree, but I would not be as disappointed and upset as I am now. As it is, the reasoning makes no sense and totally ignores Sue Peters' impressive educational credentials, her long time involvement in educational issues and understanding of the Seattle School District.

She served on the Superintendent Search Community Focus Group (2012) and the Strategic Plan Stakeholder Task Force (2013). The article omits her local and national public education advocacy and leadership, as a founding member of Parents Across America, the Seattle Math Coalition and the Seattle Education Blog.

She has been recently endorsed by King County Councilmember Larry Gossett and has the endorsement o f State Senator Maralyn Chase, State Representative Gerry Pollet, the 43rd District Democrats, 32nd District Democrats, the Metropolitan Democratic Club, M. L. King County Labor Council, Local 609, Seattle School Board President Kay Smith-Blum, Vice-President Betty Patu, Directors Marty McLaren & Sharon Peaslee, former School Board Directors Amy Hagopian & Sally Soriano, as well as U.W. Professor and math advocate Cliff Mass.

She is a professionally trained journalist. Sue has master's degree in communication from Stanford University, BA from the University of Calif at San Diego, as well as a year of study at the Univ of Paris.

The article mentions that Estey is a parent of children in the Seattle School District and her volunteer work in her children's classroom, while totally ignoring that Peters is also a parent of children in Seattle Schools who volunteers in the classroom and recently taught French to K-2 students in a before-school enrichment program. All I ask is that the Seattle Times editors give honest facts about candidates and reasons for an endorsement. Seattle looks to them for news, more than advocacy.
but what do I know said…
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joanna said…
I sometimes wonder if the district piece is a barrier to all of us understanding the common issues for all areas. I have to admit that I do not have a clue about which (it has to be one of two) of the continuing Board members "but what do I know" is referencing.

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