Geary Surges Ahead of McGuire

You just never know with our system of "postmarked, not at" Washington State mail-in system.

Jill Geary                47.14%  7668 votes
Lauren McGuire     46.33%  7535 votes

A difference of 133 votes.

Leslie Harris          47.87%  6,970 votes
Marty McLaren      38.12%  5,551 votes

A difference of about 1400 votes.

It's going to be an interesting election.

And just to note, it is illegal to take down campaign signs.  I have seen this in one campaign and it really shouldn't be happening (especially if it is on private property).


Linh-Co said…
Way to go Jill and Leslie!
Robert said…
I wonder about those signs on public land though. Like along Montlake blvd. I could claim I will not vote for any who's sign I see posted there but then I couldn't vote for anyone.

Robert, I have mixed feelings on this as well. I made my peace with signs placed in public thruways (like Montlake Blvd.) But in the past I have asked campaigns to take signs down like at roundabouts if they block the view of drivers.

My main irritation is if you are working for a campaign and have permission from a property owner (in a prominent spot) to have a sign and then the sign gets repeatedly stolen. I have a friend right on Green Lake and the sign I put up got taken.

To note, it is illegal both to put signs on public areas AND to take down campaign signs (now if you take down an illegally placed sign? I don't know.).
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, my son worked on a campaign putting up signs. He said that many campaigns took down rival signs and then put up their signs. The campaign he worked on did not, they just squeezed them into the crowd or found other spots. They also kept a map of where the signs were placed so they could take them down later.

Also, I thought campaign signs were allowed before the election but had to be taken down after the election. So all the failing primary campaigns should come down but those moving on to the election can leaves theirs up.

Watching said…
There is an organization called FUSE. They claim they are "progressive" True progressives do not support privatization of public education.

Additionally, Washington State Democrats do not support privatization if public education, but there is an astro-turf organization (headed by Lisa McFarlane) called Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) that promote privatization of pulic education.

DFER's PAC is now funded at $135K. There are two contributors and their names are Katherine A. Binder. She has contributed $100K and an individual named Ruth A. Lipscomb has contributed $1K to DFER's PAC.

I've noticed that Lipscomb sits on FUSE's board. There is no reason to take FUSE seriously; they have discredited themselves.

It is worth noting that FUSE recommends McGuire and McLaren.

As I recall, LEV infiltrated FUSE during the 1240 campaign and FUSE did not take a position on this issue; an issue that effectively silences voters.
Watching said…
No surprise and there is NO reason to take FUSE seriously. As per usual, Gates/ Hanauer are amongst their funders. FUSE has effectively discredited themselves. Hanauer/Gates are amongst the wealthy individuals that funded I 1240.

“There’s nothing mysterious about this,” says Nick Hanauer, a Seattle venture capitalist and prominent political donor. He was one of the early contributors to what became the Progress Alliance of Washington funded by very successful, even wealthy liberal activists. The Alliance is also housed in the Vance Building.

“It’s simply a group of people who share a vision about the kind of politics we want and the kind of state we want working together to organize those efforts,” Hanauer says.

Over the last eight years, they have given about $8 million to seed and support this network of “progressive” non-profits. Because the Progress Alliance is also a non-profit it doesn’t have to disclose its donors — although a few agreed to be named for this story. In addition to Hanauer, they include: environmentalist Maryanne Tagney Jones, education activist Ruth Lipscomb and Brian Arbogast of the Gates Foundation."


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