DeVos - Not Off to a Good Start

As you may recall, Secretary of Ed Betsy DeVos, went to a traditional D.C. middle school.  There were a few protestors that apparently so intimidated her that she and her handlers left and then went in a different door.

She visited one classroom and then made a comment about the teachers there being "in a receive mode."  She went on:

“They’re waiting to be told what they have to do, and that’s not going to bring success to an individual child,” DeVos said. “You have to have teachers who are empowered to facilitate great teaching.”

As you can imagine, that "waiting to be told" remark didn't go over well with teachers who are doing tremendous things.
The tweets from Jefferson Academy:
This is what Sec. DeVos said about our teachers after her visit. Needless to say, we're about to take her to school... 

First, the secretary visited the classroom of Ashley Shepherd and Britany Locher, a dynamic co-teaching team that differentiates for the...

needs of students ranging from a first grade level to an eighth grade level in reading. They build amazing relationships with students and..

maintain a positive classroom environment focused on rigorous content, humor, and love. They aren't waiting to be told what to do.

Then she saw Latisha Trent in action. Ms. Trent has been at Jefferson for 3 years, and each year her students grow MULTIPLE grade levels...

in Math. EVERY student realizes his or her maximum potential in Ms. Trent's room. She isn't waiting to be told what to do
Then the Sec. met Band teacher Jessica Harris, who has built our Music program from the ground up. Ms. Harris pours her heart into her work.

Ms. Harris is patient, kind, relentless, and reflective. She is everything you want in a teacher. She isn't waiting to be told what to do.

Morgan Markbreiter was there as well. Ms. MB has unleashed the passion of countless students through her Video Game Design course. MB also..

runs our INCREDIBLE after-school program, which provides FREE tutoring and enrichment to our kids. She isn't waiting to be told what to do.

JA teachers are not in a "receive mode." Unless you mean we "receive" students at a 2nd grade level and move them to an 8th grade level.
Statement from the D.C. Chancellor:
The teaching and learning at Jefferson will put our students on a path to college, successful careers, and beyond.  I see that.  Our teachers see that. Our students see that.  And our parents see that.  Defying expectations takes experience and a lifelong dedication to all students.  DCPW is rich with educators who have this experience.
From the Washington Post:
Jefferson is five years into a turnaround effort and is one of the fastest-improving schools in the city’s public school system. While fewer than half of students are meeting or approaching grade-level expectations, according to new Common Core tests, the school’s growth has won it classification as a “rising” D.C. school.
What is pretty clear is that DeVos has an agenda and knows very little about public education in our country.  She didn't even go into that school prepared to understand what she was seeing and the school's circumstances.  Shame on her.


seattle citizen said…
And people wonder why protesters kept her out of that one school...She's toxic, she's dangerous.
Anonymous said…
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Eric B said…
I know this is a minor thing, but her name is spelled DeVos.
Did I do two "ss?" I know better, thanks.

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