National PTA Appeals for Help to Fight Cuts

From National PTA:

Over 1,000 people have signed the petition to #STOPCutsToClassrooms. Are you on that list? Sign today and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter

We need to tell Congress that our children deserve more than 2% of the federal budget for their education. Mark your calendars for the following #STOPCutsToClassrooms events over the next few months! 

#STOPCutsToClassrooms Twitter Chat
  • Friday, July 28, 3:00 p.m. EDT
    Join the conversation by following National PTA on Twitter and using the hashtag #STOPCutsToClassrooms in your tweets.
PTA Live! Events
  • Federal Funding for Low-Income Students
    Friday, August 11, 3:00 p.m. EDT
    This PTA Live will discuss how federal funding for low-income students (also known as Title I funding) is used in schools and the need for greater investments in education.
  • Federal Funding for Students with Disabilities
    Friday, August 18, 3:00 p.m. EDT

    This PTA Live will discuss how federal funding for students with disabilities through the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is used in schools.
Want to learn more about #STOPCutsToClassrooms? Watch this PTA Live! on Facebook that introduces the campaign.

FYI, the President has said he will donated his $100,000 quarterly paycheck to "education" when he just has proposed a $9B+ cut from the Education budget. What a guy.


Anonymous said…
Wait I'm picking myself up off of the floor..the PTA is going to explain to parents of special educational students how the IDEA funding works. You have got to be kidding me!

SPED Parent
Anonymous said…
I *think* the idea (ha ha) is to explain to the mostly non SPED parents of the PTA a little bit about how SPED works. Spread a little awareness and knowledge. That sound positive to me, in terms of empathy and relationship building.

James said…
Signed. This is ridiculous, cutting funding for young children's education is cutting the future of the country short.

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