The Kids Are NOT Alright

 A Rainier Beach High School teacher has been put on administrative leave for using "racist language"in speaking with a student. A letter was sent to families explaining the situation.

From My Northwest:

“During classroom instruction, while speaking to a student, the teacher used highly inappropriate, extremely offensive language directed at a student,” the letter said. 

The staff said they are committed to full transparency, and said the teacher in question “used the N-word.” 

“We immediately notified the district’s human resources team, which will conduct an investigation,” the letter continued. 

The teacher was told not to report to school on Friday and will remain on administrative leave pending the conclusion of an investigation.

Meanwhile in Everett, a heartfelt op-ed from two students at Monroe High School via Herald.Net:

Together, we have had too many experiences with homophobic, transphobic and ableist people and it has had a deep impact. We have had people sexually harass us, pull hair, punch, throw slurs at us about prostitution, and tell us we should die. One student said, “I’m going to slap the autism out of your younger brother.” Another student said, “You’re a f*g and you’re going to be a pedophile when you’re older.” 

At an elementary school, a random student punched another kid for wearing a skirt, causing a nosebleed. The kid said, “This is how it works when you’re like me. If I can’t be what I am, I can’t be anything.” Thinking about suicide is an experience too many LGBTQ+ students like us have.

We can’t even imagine how the Black students and other students of color are feeling. We hear racial slurs being used daily. It’s terrible. And to respond to these problems the school brings in police officers.

Our schools need to be inclusive, productive and safe, free from harassment, bullying, intimidation and hate. Every person deserves a safe learning environment and a healthy education.

One thing that I don't think is coming across to students from districts is something like this. 

You will not like every student in your classes or at your school. That is okay. However, our policy is that EVERY student will be treated with respect and that means no name-calling, no touching/hitting, no bullying or threats, no sexual harassment, no racist/sexist/ableist talk, etc. 

Make clear what the corrective action will be if a student does this to other students. 

Make clear to parents this - is - school - AND - district - policy. The end. Tell parents this several times throughout the year. 

Most of all - as the two students say - staff needs training on how to present this in every single class at the beginning of the school year. Staff needs to have the courage and make the effort to follow-thru on every single incident that they witness. I know that many teachers will tell you that they pick their battles but this can't be one of them. They must stop this dead in its tracks.

Now, are kids going to act out when adults aren't around? Sure. But if there is one student who is consistently being reported for acting in a hurtful manner, then have a chat with that student and their parent/guardian and remind them of the school/district policy.

One caveat - everyone, even kids, can be having a bad day. If one student is morose or angry and another student bothers them and the first student says, "F**k off!", I would tell the second student to walk away. Being angry or upset is part of being a teen and other teens can learn to give others space if they are having a bad day. 


Outsider said…
The incident at Rainier Beach seems quite strange. Any teacher would know that the reported statement would be career-ending. So was it a "take this job and shove it" gesture? Or a psychological breakdown? Is the union backing the teacher, or backing the bus repeatedly over the teacher? So many interesting details we will probably never know.
Outside, yes, I wondered about this myself. I think the teacher might have been at wit's end but to use that language is just unconscionable.

As for SEA, I don't know what they will do and, as you said, we may never know.

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