A Waste of Editorial Space

So the Times has this editorial this morning about Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her various reviews of programs and the district. Did they say anything particularly useful or helpful? Nope. Did they add a nuanced view to what direction our district might go? Nope. Just "be patient and wait for her plan."

And so we wait. For more review outcomes and a new plan. The Plan to End All Plans. Sorry to be cynical but we've seen it before. The latest report told us nothing that we didn't know before (except maybe that teachers are totally stressed out to the point where the stress is worse than the pay). And, the Times gets it wrong because there was no review of advanced learning programs - there was a review of APP and it's not the same thing.

I can't help but wonder if there isn't already a plan in Goodloe-Johnson's head and she's trying to get the "data" she needs to enact it. We'll see.


Charlie Mas said…
On her web site, the Superintendent has now posted a report on her Entry Plan Progress.

The status of a number of her action items are shown as "Initiated/in progress", which is a euphemism for "not done".

At this point she was supposed to have shared not only her outcomes, but also plans for improvement. Where are the plans? Nowhere. I believe this is the effort that was abandoned with the introduction of the Strategic Plan.

She was also supposed to have clarified and widely communicated expectations for accountability and improvement. The status of this action item is, as you may have guessed "Initiated/in progress". I haven't heard her communicate any expectations for accountability or improvement. Have you?

I will say this. Her web site and the Strategic Plan web site are both really well maintained. Why can't the district maintain the BEX web site or the Math Adoption web site this well?
dan dempsey said…
Yes -- data driven in the SPS means that after your mind in made up you go out and find some data to support it.

"I can't help but wonder if there isn't already a plan in Goodloe-Johnson's head and she's trying to get the "data" she needs to enact it. We'll see".

With Phi Delta Kappa and McKinsey & Co. and all the other consultants and auditor's reports, Dr MG-J should be able to eventually find something to back up what she wants to do.
Anonymous said…
I think the plan is to get the maximum from pay and perks, while finding others to blame for systemic problems.

wake me up when it is over.

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