New Website Focuses on Public School Successes

From an e-mail I received today:

The Learning First Alliance has launched, a new website that promotes a fresh, 21st-century vision for public schools, with real examples of what is working in all kinds of public schools and districts. On the site, you can learn about imaginative strategies public schools are pursuing to help students succeed. You can also hear insights from extraordinary people on public education's front lines, listen to exclusive interviews with leading thinkers, and find tools to help you tell stories about success in your own public school or district.

The Learning First Alliance is a permanent non-profit partnership of 18 major national education associations that collectively represent over 10 million dedicated teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, teacher educators, school board members, school counselors, and other school and district staff.


Anonymous said…
Dear Beth,

Thanks so much for promoting on your blog. I thought you might be interested in the site's story about success at the John Stanford Elementary School.

I invite you and your readers to visit often and contribute perspectives from Seattle Public Schools.

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