Words Have Meaning (Redux)

On this blog you cannot (partial):

- swear (beyond the occasional BS because we seem to have some readers with delicate sensibilities)
- name call
- leave racist, sexist, homophobic or likewise undeserved or irrational personal comments
- make statements that you cannot back up unless you state it as an OPINION and/or use the words "it is alleged" or "it is my belief" when making comments about someone especially SPS staff

It's allowed to comment on someone's job performance.  In public jobs, it's part of what comes with the job. 

(And before anyone jumps down my throat, of course, I myself have erred here and there.)

Example of what NOT to say:  Staff X is stupid and dumb.

Example of how you could say it: I have found that Staff X's job performance is not competent or of low quality. 

Make your point about the work/outcomes, not the person.  

One person made a point recently about getting sued for statements you make here and that it is possible to track IP addresses.  (I suppose the point was you can comment anonymously but someone could figure out your IP address.)

I'm sure someone could track your IP address from this blog but Charlie and I are the administrators and you would have to go thru us.  I only have a vague idea how to do it.  As well, I think Google would have to be subpoenaed for that info as they provide the blogging platform.

But, on the other hand, I see the point about throwing rhetoric around.  I personally know how things can be taken out of context and blown up into a lot of nonsense.  See Andaiye Qaasim (and I note that she is leaving LEV to go work for the South King County College Access Network - good luck to them).  SKCCAN is part of the Road Map Project.


Anonymous said…
A Director of Project Management AND a Director of Continuous Improvement??? (Don't principals serve that function? Aren't they the ones, working with their teachers, trying to improve the teaching and increase effectiveness so that their kids do better and better? Aren't they overseen by a cast of Ex Directors???) We already have a Director of Operations, who in turn has a Director of Logistics (Transportation), report to her, AND we have of course, Assistant Superintendents, one for Teaching and Learning, plus his fleet of personnel (Curriculum and Instruction has a Director). AND we have a Deputy Superintendent (what exactly is his job?).

Are these two newest positions really an absolutely necessary expense? Couldn't we have just hired 6 more teachers to lower some ridiculous class sizes? Some middle school teachers have sections with 42 in it, they teacher far beyond 150 students.

My own school has 6 fifth grade classes each with either 30 or 31 students. If just one added teacher was payed for, by the District in its wisdom, then the classes would all be 25 or 26 students. Wouldn't that be a better investment to achieve 'continuous improvement'? It sure would, at least in the opinion of 181 students, 6 teachers, 1 principal, and 362 parents and guardians. And, that is just one example. I bet there are dozens and dozens of examples in buildings in all regions and in each grade band. If nothing else, Special Ed could sure use some more teachers and department types. Really, in buildings with 96% F&RL, couldn't you have 'invested' in 'continuing to improve' the lives of students, by adding a teacher in the lower grades, and bring down the teacher - student ratio to 15? That would make for an unbelievably excellent improvement in the lives of those students! That would be a real boost up for students from economically disadvantaged situations. That would have durably impactful, measurable, academic affect.

Mr. Banda, in consulting parlance, this hiring mini-spree is called 'creep'. What will we have to show for the investment of these 2 positions in 3 years? Don't you trust our teachers, their principals, and their overseers, the Ex Directors, to serve students and work to make things better? Don't you think they know what they are doing, and, maybe you should listen to them? Won't these 2 positions be essential redundant? Wouldn't Dr. Libros be able to do better things with the money, identifying buildings who need, NEED, another teacher to 'improve things'?

Class size matters. Teachers are the heart of education, they are the ones next to the students. More of them, please. Less administration, more actual teaching.

mirmac1 said…
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mirmac1 said…
It is getting so that the rows of suits sitting in the front of the board meeting audience, make it hard to see Mr. Banda, both literally and figuratively.

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