Working Together to Fight Phase II Proposal

I am very happy that people are using this blog as a place to "meet" and discuss issues. That is why I created it. And I recognize that open and honest discussion about difficult issues will sometimes lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

But, please remember, we are supposed to be "Joining together across Seattle to fight for high quality public schools that educate all students to be come passionate, lifelong learners, respecting themselves and others." As my mom used to say, let's keep our eye on the prize.

We need to work together to fight the superintendent's Phase II proposal. And then, once we are successful, work together to demand a new superintendent.

Our power is in our numbers. In unity is strength.


Anonymous said…
Well well said - I'm thinkin' Supt Manhas is feeling a little targeted these days - he RAN out the door so he would not have to speak to any of his taxpaying constituents.

What pray tell is the process for the Supt's review?

What is the time-line, which committee(s) are addressing -

This is frankly arcane and need some help understanding the process.

Thanks for providing this forum - wish it were indeed a 2-way street with the Stanford Center folks and the volunteer school board members had a forum for expressing ideas as a real communication with give and take -
Anonymous said…
The Board is doing the Superintendent's review RIGHT NOW.

They have solicited input from the community on this topic and you should provide any you might have.

As to the Superintendent's review in general, it is an annual event in October that results in a performance review by the Board - which is a public document, a decision regarding any changes in pay, and - to date - the offer of an annual contract. The Superintendent's contracts are for just one year and run from October to October.

The Superintendent's contract is a public record and it includes either six month's pay or six month's notice prior to termination.
Roy Smith said…
I sent this email to the school board members today. The last paragraph was deleted for those who I think are already on our side (at least on the issue of stopping Phase 2). I would urge everybody who wants to see Raj gone to send similar communications to the school board.


I am writing to urge you to vote against all Phase 2 school closure recommendations, and to vote against renewing the Superintendent's contract for another year.

It is my view that Superintendent Manhas has not led and is not capable of leading the school district in a manner consistent with the needs and desires of children, parents, schools, or the larger community. Phase 2 is the latest example of an out-of-control district staff that structures its operation in such a way as to be completely unreceptive to the input of those outside the central staff. This has led to the degradation of school quality, the alienation of parents, and the squandering of energy and motivation of those who care about public education. The primary responsibility of the Superintendent, aside from setting the vision and course of the district (which he has also not done), is to exercise executive authority to ensure that the district staff follows and faithfully executes the policies of the school board and is responsive to the input of parents, teachers, students, and the general public. Mr. Manhas has failed completely to exercise this authority, and should therefore be removed from office.

I will be tracking the votes of each school board member on these two issues (Phase 2 closure and renewal of the Superintendent's contract) and will actively campaign against the re-election of any school board member who votes in support of Phase 2 or to renew the Superindent's contract.

Roy Smith

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