Good News from the District

From Communications:

Seattle Education Foundation officials will present a $20,000 grant check to Dr. Maria L. Goodloe-Johnson, Seattle Public Schools Superintendent, on January 21 at Olympic Hills Elementary School. Funds from the grant – ranging from $134 to $1,000 – will be distributed to 25 Seattle Public Schools teachers and benefit students throughout the District. Click here for list.

The presentation will take place in the classroom of one of the grant recipients, Paul Brown, a second-/third-grade teacher at Olympic Hills. Another grant recipient from the school, kindergarten teacher Jennifer Johnson, will be joining Brown for the presentation.

The Seattle Education Foundation awards the grants to prekindergarten through Grade 12 teachers for proposals in innovative activities that will improve and enhance the quality of education for Seattle Public Schools students. The foundation has distributed approximately $500,000 to SPS educators over the past 20 years.

Thanks to the Seattle Education Foundation for this grant. The money is well spread through out the district but not to a lot of different schools. Sixteen schools got about $1,000 each so that explains it. It doesn't say how many schools applied.


yumpears said…
Melissa where do you get the time? I thought I saw you earlier at the Seattle PTSA meeting.
Good news travels fast.
GreyWatch said…
hooray Ms. Whitman!
North End Mom said…
Hi Melissa,

Do you know where I could find out more information about the Seattle Education Foundation? Do they have a website?

I couldn't find anything about this on the SPS website (which doesn't mean that it isn't there, just that I couldn't find it). Thanks!

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