Town Hall on New Civil Rights Legislation

The Seattle Special Education PTSA and the Northwest Exceptional Children's Association (NWECA) announced a Town Hall Meeting with the OSPI office of Public Instruction, Equity and Civil Rights on the new Civil Rights Legislation (HB 3026). The new law prohibits discrimination in public schools based on race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, veteran or military status, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

Tuesday, June 8th from 7-8:30 p.m.
Hamilton International Middle School Library

4400 Interlake Avenue N.

Families, students, advocates and organizations who work with students who have disabilities are invited to provide input on developing state regulations for the bill which goes into effect on June 10. Input may be provided via public testimony and/or written input. For public testimony:
  • you need to sign-in
  • testimony can be no longer than 2 minutes
  • you can provide written handouts of your testimony
  • forms provided for those not giving public testimony
Guiding questions for input/testimony:
  1. In your experience, how has discrimination been present/not present in your school or district?
  2. What are your experiences with your school's process to address complaints of discrimination?
  3. What are recommendation for schools to eliminate discrimnation based on protected classes?
  4. What concerns do you have regarding the implementation of HB 30226?
For questions, please contact: or contact


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