Arts and Education

Two items of note:

Your youth jazz story can become a KCTS film!

Do you have a connection to a jazz program, jazz teacher or jazz student, and have an idea for a story you think should be told? The instructors at KCTS’s 9 Media Lab can help you tell it and share it with our viewers.

Beginning in March, we will be offering free workshops to individuals interested in learning the fundamentals of video production to create their Jazzed! story. No experience necessary!

Professional filmmakers will teach you how to tell your story about young jazz musicians and jazz education in Seattle. Participants will come to the 9 Media Lab and learn storytelling skills as well as how to shoot, produce and edit video. Final films may be shared with the community on and considered for broadcast.

The program is free of charge, but space is limited so sign up now! For more information and to register click here.

Do you know someone who might be interested? Please feel free to forward this information. Questions?

Contact Vicki Ferguson: | (206) 443-4806
From the National Endowment for the Arts, their survey report, How a Nation Engages with Art: Highlights from the 2012 survey of public participation in the art.

Since 1982, the year in which Americans took the first Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA), the survey has asked questions about five broad areas, in addition to asking about a host of non-arts-related activities. The five areas are:

• Arts Attendance
• Reading Literary Works
• Arts Consumption through Electronic Media
• Arts Creation and Performance
• Arts Learning 

2012 Results

71% Arts Consumption through Electronic Media
59% Moviegoing
58% Voluntary Reading
50% Art Making/Sharing
49% Visual or Performing Arts Attendance
48% Art-Making or Art-Sharing
  7% Arts Learning through Classes or Lessons

Changes in arts attendance from 2008 to 2012
Between 2008 and 2012, national rates of attendance at visual and performing arts activities dropped slightly, remaining below 2002 levels. In 2012, one in three U.S. adults (33 percent, or about 78 million) visited an art museum or gallery or attended at least one of various types of performing arts events.1

A closer look at individual types of arts activity shows that theater attendance (musical and non-musical play-going) declined significantly since 2008. So did the share of adults visiting art museums or galleries or attending crafts fairs or visual arts festivals.

Notably, non-white and Hispanic groups upheld their arts attendance rates, and even showed increases for some activities. And more adults, from a variety of demographic groups, went to the movies in 2012 than in 2008.


Allen jeley said…
Education is very important part of every student and art is also good part of education thanks for share it punctuation checker online .

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