Saturday Open Thread
Thought I would put this up in case readers attend Director Community meetings and would like to let us know what was said. Also, from SPS, how feedback from the Strategic Plan Town Halls is to be used (see link for details): 1. Additional translations of District communications. Many families said they want to receive more translated versions of our communications. 2. Improvements to the District website. Families said the District website can be difficult to navigate. 3. Ensuring robust Strategic Plan metrics and accountability. We heard from family and community members alike that we must be more proactive with respect to disaggregating our data and explicitly naming and addressing the opportunity and achievement gaps. 4. Closing the opportunity gap for our African-American students. Seattle Public Schools has an unacceptable achievement gap. We heard that from our families, who also asked what we are doing to close that gap. 5. More Superintendent communicat...