About the Blog

Gentle readers,

Because of a serious and on-going family need and because I want to concentrate on a couple of key public education issues, I will be dialing back on my work here at the blog.

I also want to concentrate on the coming School Board and City Council races which will have direct impacts on Seattle Schools.  I am even considering a run for the Board myself (that would be in District III, the post currently held by Director Martin-Morris).

The family issue makes my schedule erratic so I may not cover committee/board meetings as I have in the past.  As well, I may not be able to follow breaking issues as quickly.

I will be able to continue the Tuesday and Friday Open Threads.

As we have said in the past about the blog, we are always glad to have readers send submissions.  Of course, Charlie or I have to vet them but we want more voices and this is a good time to hear from you.  Again, send a submission to either Charlie or myself.

Regretfully, I won't be able to answer any e-mail queries for the forseeable future.

Fear not.  I have eyes and ears in many corners so if something comes up, I will likely know and (hopefully) be able to report to you about it.  (So don't anyone break out the champagne - I'm not going anywhere.)  Do continue to send tips/event notices.

Melissa W.

P.S. I appreciate DW's good wishes but I had intended to have this thread with no comments.


dw said…
Take care of your family Melissa. That's always number one. We'll do okay here for a while you scale back, though if your posts will be much less frequent, perhaps you might want to consider a 3/week Open Thread schedule?

I don't know whether your family matters are readily fixable or resolvable, but you have my sincere best wishes. Good luck.

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