Mayor Murray Resigns (Finally)

It was quite the waiting game but I would suppose having five people accuse you of molestation might cause you to act.

It did for Mayor Ed Murray.

I believe this whole episode has weakened the office of Mayor and, indirectly, city activities.  Bruce Harrell hasn't said if he will be mayor or not (he's the president of the City Council and first in line but apparently, doesn't have to take the job).

He also said when this all came out earlier this year in The Stranger;
And I would ask that I don't want to be judged for anything 33 years ago."

Really? Because I can think of murder, rape and molestation victims who might ask that their perpetrators be held to account for crimes committed, no matter how long ago.

Now he says to The Stranger:
 "These accusations are unspeakable and require the utmost attention from our legal and social service system no matter how long ago they might have occurred."

A little late to the party, eh, President Harrell, unlike Kshama Sawant and Lorena Gonzalez who DID say earlier this year that he should step down.

Meanwhile, mayoral candidate Jenny Durkan who sought and received Murray's endorsement also finally decided it was enough and called for his resignation today.  (Earlier she had said he needed to take a very long, hard look at the issue but that was it.)   Seems a little late to me but I find much of Durkan's behavior as a candidate to be vague and self-serving.


Anonymous said…
Cary Moon also called for him to step down, early in the primaries and today as well.

-pragmatic Xennial
Anonymous said…
Jenny Durkan kept the endorsement from Murray up on her website until late, late this afternoon. Many weeks after the report from OCPS with the conclusion that he had been raping his foster child.

I won't vote for anyone that turns a blind eye to the abuse of a child in the name of politics.


Anonymous said…
Go by his house on a regular basis. Hope to see a For Sale sign on it soon. Consider every single piece of his "progressive legacy" to be as tainted as a rotten peach in a humid baggie.

Anonymous said…
I predict Moon will win election or at least give Durkin a run for her money. Durkin did not answer some debate questions directly or clearly. Although I feel Durkin has the experience to run a city as mayor, she is not coming off sincere. She comes across more as a politician which might not be in her favor right now in our current political climate. Also, her attempt at making Carey Moon appear to support a "xenophobic" policy (speculator and/or vacant residency tax) will not fool the average very sophisticated resident of Seattle. They will see through this attempt in a hot minute. You cannot even compare racist "redlining" of the past (as Durkin is attempting) and a tax on wealthy speculators (including corporations) and vacant residences which Vancouver has enacted. I cannot believe she is trying to twist the intention by using "xenophobia" rationale to hurt Moon.
- honesty important
Anonymous said…
Funny how the national main stream liberal media is not reporting on Murray's fall.

Anonymous said…

William Randolph
Anonymous said…
All buried deep in the site. I'm just suggesting considering Seattle is either 2nd or 3rd in the ranking as the liberal capital of the US, I would think it's an important story that an openly gay liberal mayor has had to resign over child rape allegations.

Maybe it's back page stuff because he hasn't been indited for what his accusers are suggesting he did, but come on not even Alex Jones would believe Mr. Murray's conspiracy theory.

Patrick said…
MJ, yesterday the Washington Post's story about Murray was on their front page about halfway down.
Anonymous said…
No MJ, you're simply trolling.

But speaking of conspiracy theories, you seem to be rolling pretty well with one of your own...

William Randolph
Anonymous said…
No MJ, you're simply trolling.

But speaking of conspiracy theories, you seem to be rolling pretty well with one of your own...

William Randolph
Anonymous said…
Harrell was among those who argued for Murray to stay in office.

As I recall Harrell only won by 344 votes. I doubt he will win again.

Anonymous said…
Yes, the accusations against Murray are awful but they are just that; accusations. Let the legal system deal with this, not the media. Personally I have a lot more respect for people who recognize that we do have a system and process in place for accusers to litigate this in a court of law.

Sped Staffer
Jet City mom said…
The legal system will not prosecute if it has been over ten yrs, or in the case of a child rape, the victim has turned 30.

I am in my late 50's, and I have only come to realize within the last few years that I was raped when I was a virgin at 15.
I expect it took me so long because I had emotional ties to my rapist.

For someoone who had additional baggage because of confusing ideas about their sexuality and because they also had emotional relationship with their abuser, I have NO problem understanding why it took them so long to come forward.

Sped Staffer, the legal system can't deal with this now. And I am with CM Gonzalez - if the state of Oregon did not believe him AND said he could never be a foster parent in that state again, there truly was a real and serious problem.
Anonymous said…
Civil lawsuit?
Jet City mom said…
The statue of limitations has run out for that as well in Oregon, even if there was DNA evidence.
Fallen Giant said…
I'm glad Murray is gone.

Hard to believe he was elected to the state legislature and served as mayor of Seattle with such a history. It makes me think that candidates need a higher level of scrutiny- especially those that lived out of state.

Anyone that had knowledge of Murray's past and helped him get elected was complicit.

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