Uptown Alliance School Board Candidate Forum

The Uptown Alliance invites you to its School Board Candidates Forum on Tuesday, October 10th from 7-9 pm at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 15 W Roy.

The August primary narrowed a field of candidates to six seeking three seats on the Seattle School Board of Directors. The finalists are:

District 4: Herbert J. Camet Jr. and Eden Mack
District 5: Zachary Pullin DeWolf and Omar Vasquez
District 7: Chelsea Byers and Betty Patu

If you have a question to submit, you may email it to uptownalliance@outlook.com with the Subject: Forum Question.


Vote Patu said…
"Betty Patu is the voice of every child on the Seattle school board, but especially the voice of children and communities of color. If we lose her, we also lose that voice, at a time when we need it the most. It is a loss we absolutely cannot afford. "


Carol Simmons said…
I totally agree with Vote Patu.

In addition to Director Patu's voice for children, she has institutional knowledge about the importance of the Disproportionality Task Force's recommendations. We must implement these recommendations if we are serious about eliminating the Opportunity/Disproportionality/gap.

I am pleased to report that the Metropolitan Democratic Club (MDC) just endorsed Zachary DeWolf for Seattle School Board District 5.
Robert Welain said…
Useful instruments for students can be found at this site!
Joshua said…
Students that were seeking for homework help can breathe out now. Homework had never been so easy.

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