Seattle Schools This Week

Editor's note:  I see that staff is starting to post agendas earlier; that's good.  However, the supporting materials are not attached until 24 hours before the meeting.  Not so helpful and with the scant info on the agendas, leaves what will be discussed something of a mystery.

I will be on a hiatus this week but, naturally, monitoring events as they happen as well as posting the Tuesday/Friday Open Threads.

Monday, September 11th
First day of school for kindergartners.
Audit&Finance Committee meeting from 4:30-6:30 pm. Agenda
Wish I could be at this one.

- discussion of the Rainier Beach HS SIG (School Improvement Grant).  This might be interesting and a hint as to the direction the district might be going with that high school.
- "Annual Fixed Assets Report" - this report is also of interest because of what it reveals about what the district actually owns (and if it's all still there - they have posted losses in the past).
- "Seattle School Foundation" -I don't know what that is.  The district has a Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund and there's the Alliance for Education but what's the "Seattle School Foundation?"
- PTA policies update, hmmm

Tuesday, September 12th
Curriculum & Instruction Policy Committee, from 4:30-6:30 pm. Agenda
- OSPI Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) Grant.  I haven't heard of this initiative before, sounds good.
- "Seattle Public Schools Investment Partnership (Tolley)" - Well, that would be something to learn about - investing with whom?
- Middle School Textbook Adoption Pilot Update - I'm assuming this the math textbook.

Wednesday, September 13th
Work Session - "Secondary Re-visioning" from 5:15-6:15 pm.  I note that this was initially called a "High School Revisioning" so I'm wondering if they now mean middle and high school.  The agenda is useless on this point.

Thursday, September 14th
Executive Committee Meeting from 8:30-10:30 am - no agenda yet available.

Saturday, September 16th
Director Community Meetings
Director Peters - Magnolia Library from 11 am to 1 pm.
Director Harris - Delridge Branch Library from 3 pm to 5:00 pm.


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