National School Walk Out Day for Gun Safety

I'll be watching the student walk-out at Roosevelt High this morning for the National School Walk Out Day for Gun Safety.  It is also a remembrance of the 19th anniversary of the Columbine school shootings that killed 13 people.
The event, which grew out of a petition on, comprises more than 2,000 walkouts nationwide, with at least one planned in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia.

Students are expected to exit their school buildings for the day. Organizers have called on people to wear orange, a color that has become associated with the gun control movement.
From Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School leader, David Hogg via Twitter:
Remember after you guys walk out, volunteer! Spend the rest of your day working in your community. This is also a day of service in remembrance of the Columbine Victims.
The Network for Public Education is urging folks to send emails to their congressional representatives.  They have made it very easy to do in one place.

Send an email to Congress that demands that your representatives take action to stop gun violence in schools.  Just click here.

Use this excellent Action Alert tool developed by NASSP that allows you to easily call your representatives with a "click." 

Post this link:  on your Facebook page and put a frame on your profile picture. To do so, just click on the link below.  

Let's join with our students and let our politicians know that we need sensible gun policies  to keep our schools and our streets free of gun violence.

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