Of Interest on Inclusion and Special Education

Free Webinar: Inclusive Education
Hosted by  Teachers Who TECH
Thursday, April 26 at 6 PM - 7 PM
 We encourage any one who is engaged in education to participate in our webinars. We know how important it is for YOU that your students have fun and learn. We will share our experiences and the strategies that we use in our classrooms.

This webinar will focus on:
- Inclusive Education.
- What is an Inclusive Vision?
- Inclusive Environments
- Strategies

* Cristina Paredes - Fundadora de Teachers Who TECH, Seattle. WA-USA
* Sarina Murrell - Co-fundadora de Teachers Who TECH, Seattle. WA-USA

David Paredes - Teachers Who TECH, Quito Ecuador
April 26, 2018
Time: 6pm (Pacific Time-US & Canada)
Time: 8pm (Bogota, Lima & Quito)

Register here for this Webinar: https://goo.gl/forms/47J6bitdqtHKhuiQ2

Bright & Quirky Child Online Summit
Runs for 6 days, beginning April 25th, 2018. 
For parents of gifted, differently wired, and twice exceptional (2e) kids

Strategies to help your bright child thrive, even with focus, learning, social, emotional or behavioral challenges.

What does twice exceptional (2e) mean?
Being 2e means that you have two (or more) exceptions to the ‘norm.’ Most commonly this means having high intellectual potential and one or more anomalies that make accessing that potential a unique endeavor. In the classic medical model, 2e kids often have symptoms of diagnoses such as ADHD, learning disabilities like dyslexia, high functioning autism, anxiety, depression or oppositional defiant disorder.

The result is that a lot of kids feel like square pegs in round holes and feel stuck with a negative label which can lead to anxiety, irritability, frustration, negative self-concept and low self-esteem. For parents, this can lead to sleepless nights, second guessing, and feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, confused and alone.

Content will be free to the public each day for 24 hours. There will be approximately 3-5 talks per day.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text 


Anonymous said…
So Quito not SPS has the latest advances in special ed. Why is this not surprising and who is going to lead SPS into the 21st Century in regards to SPS.

Who/What is Quito? This is a general blog so not everyone knows all the vernacular for any given subject.
Jet City mom said…
It is the capitol of Ecuador.
Quito has a pretty strong education system, although the public system stops after 9th grade.

Oh that Quito; I thought it was referencing something else.
Greenwood Dad said…
Thanks for posting the 2e link. SPS was a heartbreaking disaster for my 2e kid. I though private schools were the ones who could push out the difficult to educate kids in exchange for a curated group of easy to educate kids. But on the 2e front, I definitely feel like the public schools in Seattle are trying to push these kids out. I wish at least some teachers could receive PD on this issue.
Anonymous said…
Well said Greenwood Dad.

Another underwhelmed reader.
Anonymous said…
@Greenwood Dad, I didn't feel we were actively pushed out, but rather that the school/district did nothing to make it feasible for us to stay. The district's lack of comittment to meeting the needs of 2e students often makes it untenable to stay. Private schools aren't perfect, but at least they often try to meet students' needs and are better about working with parents.

2e is hard. 2e in SPS feels almost impossible.

We left

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