District Extends Time for Feedback on D7 Candidates

From SPS Communications:

On Wednesday, Sept. 11, a second School Board District VII Candidate Forum was held at the Rainier Beach High School Performing Arts Center. During this forum, the three finalists answered questions from the community.

Visit YouTube to watch recordings of the candidate forum:
·         Part 1 Forum Recording
·         Part 2 Forum Recording

The forum feedback form, available here, has been extended to Tuesday, Sept. 17 10 a.m. as links to the forum video were not initially included with the feedback form. 

These video links were, however, previously included in an email to families on Thursday, Sept. 12, and video from the forum has been included in SPS-TV broadcasts.

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Anonymous said…
Well it's kind of funny as I got the email on the 12th but I didn't receive the one above. Was that not sent to everybody? Did it only go out to media?

This wasn't an email; it was a communication the district put out today via Twitter (and they sent one to me because I was the one who complained).
Anonymous said…
You are not the only one that complained so you are not the only one that got this. Thanks for sharing though.

Fed Up
Anonymous said…
Well that's one upmanship.. The district has asked the southeast repeatedly how would you like to be communicated to. The answer has been not electronically. So now you get a tweet of a correction from them not doing as they said they would. Ready. Fire. Aim should be the new motto. (I also let them know the links weren't there on Friday but I felt fortunate to get somebody on the line after 4:00 p.m. and they sent the links over to me.)

Hopefully the extra time will be meaningful and the Board Members get responses that they value.

Thank you to all who spoke up; it's important.

I am still not happy that you can vote more than once and I don't know how the vote totals will affect the Board vote.

I also realized that not only could there be a 3-3 tie; there could also be a 2-2-2 tie.
Given who the directors voted for to get to three, it could go like this:

Smith - Geary, DeWolf
Hersey - Harris, Pinkham
Van Arcken - Burke, Mack

I don't know how they will signal each other to change their vote - maybe a bat signal.
Anonymous said…
I would think unless something comes up before Wednesday that is game changing they are know who is going through. Respectfully, and for good reason,no candidate will not get a first vote. They will then "decide" who it is. No insider info just what I see is the only way to do this. Seriously no reason to draw stones on this someone will give. 2-2-2 first vote might even be classiest thing to do.

I'd go for class
IGFC, good insights.
renruz143 said…
Feedback on D7 Candidates was very interesting. thanks a lot for sharing this.

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wilthur143 said…
it's a good thing that District Extends Time for Feedback. please keep us updated. thanks a lot.

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lamayer132 said…
if someone could vote more than once then vote totals will greatly affect the Board vote.

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kathbay143 said…
surely there's no candidate who will get there first vote.

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