An Emerson Viewpoint

Excerpted from the 6/26 South Shore site hearing transcript. I assume not everybody will read the transcripts, so I am going to post at least one excerpt from each hearing.

"Good evening. My name is Beatrice Butler. I came here tonight to speak on behalf of the Emerson family and community and its support of a merger with Rainier View and Emerson. We have been looking at all the information that has been presented to us. We have been talking with some of the Rainier View people, their staff, and we have been talking with the community.

One of the things that we're looking at, the issues, is that last year, Rainier View was on the list for closure. We keep feel like we're not getting the full picture of what's happening this year. We feel like Emerson was placed on the closure list for the sole purpose of securing a space for the New School. We appreciate the New School and their support of Emerson, keeping Emerson open. First of all, I would like to say that. And thank you, New School.

Rainier View staff has been so gracious. They came and visited us. We talked with them. They toured our school. We saw a solution to a problem. We don't like coming up and creating new problems. We want a solution. We put our heads together and felt like we solved this problem.

Combining the two communities, we would not disrupt Emerson's family and community, and we would not disrupt Rainier View as a whole community. This is the path of least disruption. The families the communities are very similar. There's a similar support system being put in place. The school will be even better. Emerson will be better for having Rainier View's community joining us. Merging together, we have a strong south end school, a full, strong south end school."


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