I am part of the problem

(Posted by a former Seattle parent)

On May 5, I became part of the reason for school closures. That was the day we moved out of Seattle. When people talk about the hidden cost of families leaving the city, it often sounds like a theoretical threat. I am proof that it isn’t.

My husband and I loved living in the city. I liked seeing the mountain while I took the bus to work; he liked walking with my daughter to the grocery store. We loved our Greenwood brick tudor so much that we arranged financing to build a room for our infant son.

Like many parents with children about to enter school, I began touring schools early and read every article I could find about the school district’s plans for the future. I was dismayed by what I saw. The Seattle School District didn’t just not work to keep us, they actively pushed us away.

Of the five schools we toured, not one had a principal who had been there more than two years. We had no idea which schools to apply for because we didn’t know which would be open or what their mandate would be. We had no idea whether we would even be given a choice when our son was ready. And, we had no idea what the vision was for providing an education to our children.

So, rather than expand our home, we moved. We would have been a great family for the school district; I have two bright kids with no apparent special needs, we donate money and time, and, most importantly, we strongly believe in public education and neighborhood schools.

I asked Beth if I could post because I think it is important for my story to be heard. I am not pointing fingers. I don’t pretend that I know the answers to the very difficult problems the school district faces. What I do know is that part of the district’s budget trouble is due to families like mine choosing not to send our kids to its schools. The solutions being offered now are going to exacerbate the problem by forcing more families into the suburbs or private schools.


Anonymous said…
For me personally, we wanted to support public schools and did not want to leave Seattle, so I researched schools before we bought our current home - we left Green Lake, which we loved, because we weren't thrilled with the school options. We moved to a neighborhood where the school has a clear vision that fit our likes, and everyone I spoke to was very happy with the school. Many parents who send their kids can afford private school, but choose to send their kids to this school.

I agree I know lots of families who have moved to the suburbs for the schools - this is unfortunately how it is in every metropolitan city (at least every one I can think of). I am not saying it's a good thing, and I certainly wish that I didn't have so many friends sending their kids to private - I purposely did not tour private schools so not to be tempted.

My daughter starts kindergarten in September. There is no guarantee we will be happy with the school, but I really did do my research and I feel good about our decision. I'm also admitting we are saving our money for private school once we hit middle school "just in case"

Through this whole school closure process, I see hope in the Seattle School District - so many passionate parents out there that don't want to bail - they want to help change things.

I'm not blaming you for your decision - you made the decision you felt best for your family. My friends on the eastside are currently looking at private school because so much development over there has caused their schools to be overcrowded - another issue of its own.

I have to be honest and say I didn't like your comment about your children being perfect for the SSD because they don't have special needs. Being a parent of a visually impaired child, I'm offended because it feels like you are saying my daughter will not be welcomed because she costs money.

Good luck in the burbs.
Anonymous said…
The fundamental problem with Seattle Public Schools, the fault at the root of all of the district's trouble, is the fact that the District is structurally and culturally incapable of responding to the needs of the community it purportedly serves.

As a consequences of this fundamental failure people are choosing alternatives when the District does not meet the community's needs.

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