Raj's Final Recommendations for Phase II
Roxhill is not going to be closed. The rest of Raj's recommendation as listed in the Board Meeting Agenda remains the same.
The relevant text from the Board meeting agenda follows:
The recommended motion is: "I move that the School Board take the following action related to school closure and consolidation:
1. Close the Genesee Hill building and expand the alternative K-8 West Seattle program by joining the Pathfinder and Cooper communities in the Cooper building.
2. Close the Pinehurst building and co-locate the AS #1 and Summit programs in the Jane Addams building.
3. Expand the Broadview-Thomson program from a K-5 to a K-8 and merge the Viewlands program, including the autism inclusion program, into Broadview-Thomson.
I further move that the School Board endorse the Superintendent’s recommendation that:
1. Affected students will receive notification of their assignment for 2007-08 prior to the Open Enrollment Period (January 16-February 20, 2007).
2. Families will have the opportunity to participate in open enrollment if they want their student to attend a different school.
3. When an older child in a family is reassigned to a new school for September 2007 as a result of school closure/consolidation, incoming siblings applying for that school will have "sibling priority" for admission to the older child’s newly assigned school.
Read the full text of Raj's final recommendation for more details.
The relevant text from the Board meeting agenda follows:
The recommended motion is: "I move that the School Board take the following action related to school closure and consolidation:
1. Close the Genesee Hill building and expand the alternative K-8 West Seattle program by joining the Pathfinder and Cooper communities in the Cooper building.
2. Close the Pinehurst building and co-locate the AS #1 and Summit programs in the Jane Addams building.
3. Expand the Broadview-Thomson program from a K-5 to a K-8 and merge the Viewlands program, including the autism inclusion program, into Broadview-Thomson.
I further move that the School Board endorse the Superintendent’s recommendation that:
1. Affected students will receive notification of their assignment for 2007-08 prior to the Open Enrollment Period (January 16-February 20, 2007).
2. Families will have the opportunity to participate in open enrollment if they want their student to attend a different school.
3. When an older child in a family is reassigned to a new school for September 2007 as a result of school closure/consolidation, incoming siblings applying for that school will have "sibling priority" for admission to the older child’s newly assigned school.
Read the full text of Raj's final recommendation for more details.
This is an unbelievable insult - to not even ACKNOWLEDGE one word of the feedback that THEY solicited. The shameless disregard for and squandering of their CUSTOMERS' time, energy, passion, and money by requiring us to jump through hoops to "give feedback", all for utterly nothing, is an outrage.
This train wreck has gotta be stopped!!!
One other BEX III item; Hale is supposed to be rebuilt to its current size capacity which is about 1600. They currently have about 1100. If the district rebuilds Hale, will they require them to expand (something they are adamantly against but the capacity is needed)?
"What is known is that the enrollment of each program has been decreasing over time, the Pinehurst building is no longer a viable option for AS #1, and the enrollment of the Summit program cannot justify maintaining the program at the Jane Addams building on its own."
I think almost the EXACT same language could be used to move a school into co-location with the AAA.
The enrollment at the AAA dropped below 400 this year.
Just what are those aspects? Who gets to decide? Sounds once again like they are pitting our two communities against each other. Raj has a "dream" that this will create a great new program - sounds like a nightmare to me!!