Drug-Dealing/Gun Selling in Federal Way

Geez! What is up with these kids in Federal Way? Twelve kids at 3 different high schools were involved selling guns and drugs and allegedly one of the drug deals occurred in class. (The officers never found or saw guns at the schools, just heard the offers to sell.)

Law enforcement used a 33-year old male officer and a 29-year old female officer to impersonate teens at each school. On a lighter note: I want whatever anti-aging plan they are on to be made public and how did the kids not notice?!?


Anonymous said…
I enjoy reading this blog, but do you guys ever check any other sources of news (TV, radio,
P-I, Weekly, Stranger, etc)? Lately it seems like all the posts are just links to articles from the Times. What gives? I've never gotten the impression any of you were really fans of theirs.
Anonymous said…
If there is something missing that you've seen, you should send it to Beth's email.

I think the contributors read fairly widely and I have not tended to find things they didn't. There have been pieces here recently from the PI (Joel Connelly, Church and State, Fair and Balanced, Math Curriculum), Crosscuts, NYT not too long ago.

I haven't heard much on education from Nina Shapiro at the Weekly lately and I'm not sure I've ever heard about anything on education from the Stranger.

Hard to imagine that anything useful would come from TV, which shows up only for the sensational stuff (could there be a fracas at a board meeting?! Better be there with cameras! Inquiring minds want to know!)

I haven't heard anything on KUOW either, lately.

Maybe you should encourage some of those venues to cover education and SPS more :)
Anonymous said…
Beth, I can see why you have contemplated giving up the blog. You work so hard and yet there is always someone out there to tell you that you aren't doing good enough.

Ignore them. We are not reading their blogs. We are reading yours. And for good reason, we find what we need on it. Real time info on Seattle Schools.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. And please don't be discouraged by an ungrateful reader.
Anonymous said…
Check out the Post and Courier in Charleston. There is an great story about Goodloe-Johnson's going away party....also have you kept up with the OCR complaint involving Buist and Charleston Progressive? Watch out Seattle! I hope she does a better job with your schools.
Anonymous said…
Actually anonymous (6:33pm) while I'm not a Charleston resident and don't have the history you do, I'm curious to know if they ever answered her question how The Post and Courier handled its coverage of McWhirt's farewell party in 2003 and whether the story had the same angle as this one. I think that's a valid question. I bet nobody answered it.

As for the issue of the two school, I find that troubling. Seems like they'd rather stick to the original format of each school instead of making change for the benefit of the kids.
Jet City mom said…
well since none of the responses have commented on the hard cases in federal way schools ( and I expect that is how the cops were able to "pass" Melissa, it wasn't that they were unusually youthful, but the focus on guns and money has probably aged the schoolkids)

I wanted to bring up this book that has been recommended to me.
I haven't read it yet- but tallying the comments I have heard, from parents and educators who find that inspiring and motivating our kids to the next level is "too much work- they don't have enough, time, enough money, enough help...",
I'm thinking I wouldn't be the only one to benefit from its ideas.

The basic argument in the book is that people approach things with either a "fixed" or "growth" mindset. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe that intelligence, or athletic ability, or musical talent are inherent to the individual -- you either have them or you don't. So you treat setbacks as a sign of failure, and avoid challenges whenever possible. You believe that effort is a sign that you're not naturally smart or talented. By contrast, if you have a growth mindset, you believe in the power of learning and effort. You treat setbacks as learning opportunities, and seek out challenges. Dweck has lots and lots of examples, from sports, business, arts, and pretty much convinced me

In case you are thinking this is another self-help book, more info about the research done by the author, a Stanford prof.
I try to post as much stuff from different sources as I can. It could turn into a full-time job though:)!

I'll have to check that book out, Class of 75. Sounds interesting.

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